Www fauquiercounty gov To that end, Fauquier County has created 13 Agricultural and Forestal Districts as a mutual undertaking between landowners and the locality. 2024 for application. Location: 16 Courthouse Square Warrenton, VA 20186. The Fauquier County Planning Commission is an appointed five-member body charged with advising the Board of Citizen Self Service website. Government » Departments A-G » Community Development » Codes & Ordinances. Wednesday, February 12 th – 6:00pm – 7:00pm: Become A Teacher Virtual Event; Tuesday, February 25 th – 10:00am – 2:00pm: Laurel Ridge Community College Virtual Hot Topics . Return application to Raquel. A key feature of our development effort is naming rights. Lessons between 11:30 Approved users only. SECURE REMOTE ACCESS ACCOUNT RENEWALS . Email the Park. Email: Cara. ACCESSIBILITY GOVERNMENT WORKING LIVING ABOUT US CONTACT US HOW DO I FOIA RIGHTS SITEMAP. Tanya Remson Wilcox, Treasurer. Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday. gov ; Feel free to keep this form and use in future annual filings. Skip To Main Content. - 4:30 p. In 1608, the first European to explore in the vicinity, Captain John Smith, reported that the Whonkentia (a subgroup of the Siouan-speaking Manahoac tribe) inhabited Mission. Praecipe Form. Regan Washer. John Sealock at 540-422-8667. Submission requirements and relevant information pertaining to all applications for the Department of Community https://tax. The Treasurer’s independent status as an elected official ensures that local funds will be collected, invested, and spent by an officer who reports directly to the people. Virginia State Code establishes Agricultural and Forestal Districts as a means to conserve and protect valuable agricultural and forestal lands. Please email the Treasurer's Office at treasurer@fauquiercounty. Fauquier County, VA is not responsible for the content of external sites. 430 East Shirley Avenue Warrenton, VA 20186. Most individual, partnership or corporation engaged in any business within the county is required to pay a Forms. gov Business Page Contact Info Page 1. FAX: 540-422-8891. Animal Shelter Citizen Services County Calendar County News County Ordinances Crime & Safety Current Tax Rates Key Tax Dates Real Estate Online (REO) Real Estate Assessment If you wish to make a payment or view balances, please visit https://tax. View Full Site . gov - Password: Fauquier2! For General Real Estate Note: After completing this form, our staff will process your submission and create an account for you. Alice Jane Childs Building 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11 Warrenton, VA 20186. Amended through November 14, 2024. Mileage must fall within the required minimum for model years in chart below. m. About the Interactive Map Gallery. gov (using a subject line of “Walk-Thru 4155 Monroe Parkway Marshall, VA 20115 Phone: 540-422-8570 Fax: 540-422-8571. Ages 2-3: Must be scheduled for private lessons. Return to full list >> ACCESSIBILITY GOVERNMENT WORKING LIVING ABOUT US CONTACT US HOW DO I FOIA RIGHTS SITEMAP. Box 149, Warrenton, VA 20188-0149. govhttps://www. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit; Feedback Print. $200. Warren Green Building 10 Hotel Street, 3rd Floor Warrenton, VA 20186 Click for Directions Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 a. New Deed Books Available for Secured Remote Access. Social Media Comments Policy Thank you for your interest in joining our team! All public school and local government job openings can be found by clicking View Current Employment Opportunities! Please note the following before starting the application process. obrien@fauquiercounty. Duties and Responsibilities. Use the tab key to move through the application. Kines@fauquiercounty. While providing services to the citizens of Fauquier County, it is Inmate Records: Ms. You will be redirected to the You can pay a bill without logging in using this screen. Community Policing Act Data Collection. meixner@fauquiercounty. Duties and Responsibilities Title/Mortgage/General Public Real Estate Tax Inquiries, please log in using the following: Email: PublicInquiry@fauquiercounty. O. Upon arrival at the Warren Green Building on 10 Hotel Street, Government. gerhardt@fauquiercounty. Cassell@fauquiercounty. M. rick. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit; Font Size: +-Adult Court Services; Agricultural Development; Board of Supervisors; Circuit Court Clerk; Commissioner of the Revenue; Commonwealth's Attorney; Community Development; CONTACT US. Make Online payment arrangement. 33,319 likes · 3,216 talking about this · 656 were here. es@fauquiercounty. gov and our mailing Government » Departments A-G » GIS Mapping. In order to qualify for high mileage adjustments, the following criteria must be met: Only vehicles that are valued through the J. gov or visit our Facebook page for details! The Fauquier County School Board is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, sex, sexual orientation, , gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions https://tax. gov or mail to Fauquier County Agricultural Development 16 Courthouse Sq Ste 402, Warrenton, VA 20186 Our staff is working to minimize the impact. Purpose. Government » Departments A-G » Community Development. The Fauquier County Agricultural Development Advisory Committee is charged with promoting the agricultural industry within Fauquier County, increasing the economic viability of farming, and providing advice and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on matters affecting the agricultural economy and its development. Email. Facility Manager: Gary James https://tax. To help us with this process, please review your parcel information and contact our offices if modifications are needed at: retax@fauquiercounty. The District is a political CONTACT US. The Mission of the Warrenton-Fauquier Airport is to provide a safe and hospitable, general Please visit https://fauquiercounty. gov (540) 422-8301: Christie: Wolfe: Assistant Director: Christie Fauquier County Sheriff's Office, Warrenton, Virginia. C. EMERGENCIES DIAL 9-1-1. Department: Procurement; RFP Number: IFB 25-040-C; This Solicitation is issued by the Fauquier County Government and Public Schools Procurement Division for the Parks and Recreation Department, on behalf of the Fauquier If you have information regarding an ongoing criminal investigation, please contact the Criminal Investigations Division at 540-422-8650 or via e-mail at Criminal Investigations (cid@fauquiercounty. Applications Center/Forms. gov Eric J. CONTACT US. eNotifications Contact Us. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit; Font Size: +- Fauquier County's Front Door . The surrounding grounds of the Community Center also provides You are now exiting Fauquier County, VA. https://tax. fugitives@fauquiercounty. Fauquier County, VA is not responsible Please visit https://fauquiercounty. Dolan 540-422-8784, or 540-422-8769 or sue. Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm CONTACT US. Register Closing: 4:00 p. BP Calculator 2020. 00 per year for each additional user. rzepecki@fauquiercounty. PHONE:(540)422-8150 EMAIL:PPT@fauquiercounty. Email the Park:. gov/ The Building, Permitting & Inspections staff within the Fauquier County Department of Community Development receives building permits and all associated permit applications for all building projects in Fauquier ePortal ©2025 Tyler Technologies, Inc. THE JOHN MARSHALL SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS . High mileage documentation must be submitted annually so that vehicles will be valued correctly for assessment. gov Phone: (540) 422-8554. Troy Thorson Lead Building Inspector Email. Government » Departments A-G » Circuit Court Clerk. gov or by phone 540-422-8557. Overview. Search. Most individual, partnership or corporation engaged in any business within the county is required to pay a Please click link below, once complete save to your computer then email to Biztax@fauquiercounty. gov For more information, contact: Elizabeth. Business License Tax is a tax in lieu of a Merchants' Capital Tax. gov Phone: 540-422 CONTACT US. The Office of the Treasurer was created as an elected post in the Virginia Constitution of 1870. Hours: Mail and Hand Carry documents are accepted 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. Please Note: This document is updated periodically. County Administration 10 Hotel Street, Third Floor Warrenton VA 20186 (540) 422-8001 FAX: (540) 422-8022 Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm For information regarding already recorded documents, please visit the Records Room page. Non-Emergency (540) 347-3300 Government » Departments H-Z. Our e-mail address is ppt@fauquiercounty. Park Hours: Dawn to Dusk, Daily Portrait of Francis Fauquier, for whom Fauquier County was named. You are now exiting Fauquier County, VA. All requests for extra duty assignments must be submitted through the application process sheriff. Fauquier County Sheriff's Office at 540-347-3300, or you can also email us at sheriff. Praecipe. Park Hours: Dawn to Dusk, Daily. Warrenton-Fauquier Airport. downes@fauquiercounty. A MESSAGE FROM SHERIFF FALLS. Agendas. dolan@fauquiercounty. gov and not through an individual deputy. We require a minimum of seven (7) CONTACT US. Graves, Deputy Clerk CONTACT US. Therefore, the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office offers no guarantee that we will be able to honor your request. The John Marshall Soil & Water Conservation District, established in 1966, is one of 47 districts across the Commonwealth of Virginia that provide technical assistance and education to landowners in managing and protecting their natural resources. EN20 Purpose. The Emergency Medical Services Operations Committee provides advice, counsel, and recommendations to the Executive Committee and/or the System Fire Rescue Chief on Fire Rescue System matters pertaining to emergency medical services and rescue, as well as objectives of the volunteer companies and among anything else that the Executive Committee FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: TITLE: EMAIL: PHONE: Janelle: Downes: Director: janelle. Font Size: +-Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. Crockett Park is the county's largest lakeside park offering a wide range of recreational opportunities including: fishing, seasonal boat rentals and concessions, boat launch facilities, picnicking, picnic shelters, volleyball, horseshoes, soft horseshoes (cornhole) a beginner & advanced orienteering course, a cross-country trail for hiking, jogging, winter Public Notice: Community Center follows County Government Closures & Delays. Fauquier County Department of Social Services. Additional Information EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 7, 2025: Please review Local Rules Order (Inclement Weather Closures) for updated information regarding inclement weather closures for the Circuit Court of Fauquier County and the duty of Jurors to report in the event of closure or delay due to weather. Thank you for visiting Fauquier County, VA. Mission. Business, Professional and Occupational License (BPOL) A business license is required for all Fauquier County businesses and must be renewed by April 15th each year. ACCESSIBILITY GOVERNMENT WORKING LIVING ABOUT US CONTACT Fauquier County Government and Public Schools are actively hiring. mail@fauquiercounty. *Real Estate Assessment. RFP Number Title Starting Closing Status; RFP 25-121-C: Transportation Planning, Engineering and Consulting Services NEW! 02/18/2025 4:00 PM: Open: IFB 25-048-C: Grace Miller Elementary School Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Improvements UPC 116918, VDOT Project No. transfer notes : 2008-12. 540-422-8400 FAX: 540-422-8449 Purpose. 11 Alice Jane Childs Building Warrenton, VA 20186 540-422-8400 FAX: 540-422-8449 Please email the Treasurer's Office at treasurer@fauquiercounty. ; E-Recording documents are accepted 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. 2025 Fauquier County Circuit Court Calendar. A major gift from a donor will be recognized by bestowing naming rights to a property in recognition of their financial support. We are looking forward to meeting you! 2025 Recruitment Events . gov/ ACCESSIBILITY GOVERNMENT WORKING LIVING ABOUT US CONTACT US HOW DO I FOIA RIGHTS SITEMAP. 540-422-8290 Fax 540-422-8291 Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Government. gov You are now exiting Fauquier County, VA. It is a State entity which provides environmental health services, including issuance of well and sewage disposal or septic permits, and clinic services to the citizens of Fauquier County. 2024 Fauquier County Circuit Court Calendar. gov Email: BizTax@FauquierCounty. Ages 7 and Up: Lessons available all day from 9 AM - 6:30 PM. General Registrar 528 Waterloo Rd, Suite 200 Warrenton, VA 20186-3011 Tel. Warrant and Fugitive information, inquiries and tips requiring immediate assistance, please contact Sgt. You will then be able to access your account at our Official Tax Filing Website, found Forgot your password?© 2025 - Fauquier County - https://www. Interactive Map Gallery. Contact Information. Power Of ficial Used Car G uide. renaud. Citizens wishing to appear in person should arrive prior to the start time of the meeting. Crockett Park . Commonwealth's Attorney 29 Ashby Street, 3rd Floor Warrenton, Virginia 20186 540-422-8120. Click here to register for an account (or here to login if you already have an account). gov Medical Department: 540-422-8778 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): To discuss any specific concerns or accommodations, please contact the Sheriff's Office and ask for the Captain of the Adult Detention Center, who is the FCSO Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator. By creating an account, you will have access to balance and account information, notifications, etc. gov/. Planning Commission. Fauquier County Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 2B; Fauquier County Historic Resources Plan; Fauquier County Architectural Review Board Contact the Parks Director by email gary. gov. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit; Font Size: +-Email the Record Room . The Committee serves as the Board of Supervisors’ designee for oversight of Fauquier County’s finances, making recommendations to the Board on matters including but not limited to review of the County’s financial policies, long Advance written comments may be submitted electronically to meredith. FAX: 540-422-8121. clerk@fauquiercounty. Email: BizTax@FauquierCounty. Effective April 1, 2024: Local Rule Order (Modification-Scheduling) Virginia Judicial System: Court Self-Help ONLINE RECORDS DISCLAIMER: The information displayed on the Real Estate on-line pages are prepared from the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, other public records and data. News. Fauquier County's Interactive Map Gallery features a suite of web and mobile-friendly apps for Purpose. The mission of the Fauquier County Towing and Recovery Advisory Board is to protect the public by setting standards of qualifications, training and experience for those who seek to represent themselves to the public as towing and recovery professionals, and to promote high standards of professional performance for those engaged in the practice of towing and County Government Resources. You will receive an email with your username. About Supervisor Broaddus Cedar Run District Richard R. View Full Site You can pay a bill without logging in using this screen. 4298ac & lot 7b being 8. Park Manager: Laurie Crofford. D. gov). gov Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30pm. However, we are still finalizing data clean-up and verification. broaddus@fauquiercounty. Deed Books 259 - Current are available as 4225 Aiken Drive Warrenton, VA 20187. Email Community Center Manager: Audrey Queen. Visit us at any of the following recruitment events listed below. In Person: Seating will be available to those desiring to speak during a scheduled public hearing. The Finance Committee is a standing committee that consists of two members of the Board of Supervisors appointed on an annual basis. Renee E. Zoning Ordinance. Gerhardt Vice-Chairman. As a benefit to our taxpayers, we provide high mileage adjustments in accordance with J. Print Feedback. After hours responses will be for emergencies only. The Vint Hill Community Center is an ideal facility for all your sport and fitness needs that includes a full indoor basketball court, volleyball and pickleball n et setup, racquetball and wallyball courts, and a fully equipped weight room area. com to see all current and new postings. Phone: (540)422-8890 Fax: (540) 422-8891. The men and women of the Sheriff’s Office join me in wishing the residents of Fauquier County a healthy, safe and Happy New Year. No results found. gov and our mailing address is P. Fauquier County, VA is not responsible ike. Permits submission for trades, decks, pools and remodeling basements can be submitted via fax to 540-422-8231 or by email to energov. Our apologies for any inconvenience during this period of transition. Age Guidelines for Swim Lessons. Power Official Used Car Guide are eligible. 0ac (lot 7) is div into lot 7a being 3. Ages 2-6: Lessons available between 9 AM - 11 AM and 4 PM - 6 PM. Enter your user name and password for access. PHONE: 540-422-8560 FAX: 540-422-8561 . fauquiercounty. Participating properties qualify for Special Land Use Assessment and subsequently Thank you for your interest in Fauquier County! Please read important information below regarding your account: If you have previously applied to Fauquier County and you have forgotten your username, please click the link Forgot your Username below. Government » Boards, Commissions & Committees. The Department of Human Resources will provide quality services for the County Government and School Division by achieving strategic goals; recruiting, selecting, and retaining quality employees; and administering a Animal Control. About Supervisor Gerhardt Marshall District A. Procurement 320 Hospital Drive Second Floor, Ste 23 Warrenton, Virginia 20186 (540) 422-8352 FAX: (540) 422-8355 procurement @fauquiercounty. Business Contact info: * Business Contact info: Business Name : Mailing Address : City, State, Zip: Owner's Name : Last 4 SSN / FEIN: Business License Number: Our e-mail address is ppt@fauquiercounty. gov or call the Treasurer’s Office at (540)422-8180 to set up an appointment with a delinquent tax collector. EFFECTIVE APRIL1, 2024: Please Recruitment Questions: Email ginger. Design by GRANICUS - Connecting People & Government. Tipsters Can Remain Anonymous . Extra duty assignments are accepted on a voluntary basis. Events. gov . From a park bench to a building to a ball field, swimming pool, trail or establishing a scholarship For information regarding already recorded documents, please visit the Records Room page. . Go. bonfirehub. Make sure to register early to secure your spot at https://recreation. The Fauquier County Health Department is a local office of the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health. Raymond Shero Building Inspector Email. Environmental Services 6438 College Street Warrenton, VA 20187 Office: 540-422-8840 Fax: 540-422-8841 environmentalservicesdept @fauquiercounty. gov or call the Treasurer’s Office at (540)422-8180Call: (540)422-8180 to set up an appointment with a delinquent tax collector. gov or visit our Facebook page for details! The Fauquier County School Board is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, sex, sexual orientation, , gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions D a ily Brief. Register Your Security Camera . Fauquier County, VA Home Menu. 5702ac-pl db 1277/2034 2017-fr blue rock i llc (fka blue rock llc) - db 1529/154 6695 Kennedy Road Warrenton, VA 20187. The Treasurer is C. ; Address: Attn: Recording Department, 29 Ashby St, Warrenton, VA 20186 E-Mail: recording@fauquiercounty. Recording Cutoff: 3:30 p. Fauquier County is Now Hiring! Click the NOW HIRING image above to view our current job opportunities! If you need your account number to create your account, please click here to send an email (Monday - Friday, 8:00AM-4:30PM) To pay taxes without registering for an account, use the Quick Payment option The Treasurer’s Office may extend the payment agreement based on the financial information supplied by taxpayer. Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. 00 for up to 2 users. Our staff is working to minimize the impact. Record Room. Phone: 540-422-8230 Fax: 540-422-8231 Office Hours: https://tax. FEE CHANGE AS OF 09-01-2024 - Please note that the current annual fee for our secure remote access (SRA) site is $400. Fauquier County Department of Social Services 320 Hospital Drive, Ste. Click here to register for an Fauquier County Government is an equal opportunity employer in all aspects of employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, The information displayed on the Real Estate on-line pages are prepared from the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, other CONTACT US. Thank you for your interest in joining our team! All public school and local government job openings can be found by clicking View Current Employment Opportunities! Please note the following before starting the application process. Departments A-G. See contact information (at right) for the Fauquier County Historic Preservation Planner in the Planning Division of the Department of Community Development. Phone: 540-422-8890. Fauquier County, VA is not responsible The Treasurer’s Office may extend the payment agreement based on the financial information supplied by taxpayer. Maybach, Commissioner of the Revenue -- PO BOX 149, WARRENTON, VA 20188 -- PHONE: (540)422-8166 -- EMAIL: BizTax@FauquierCounty. gov Phone: 540-422 clerk@fauquiercounty. Central Sports Complex Phase 2 Project. 78 W Lee St Warrenton, VA 20186. Welcome to portal home Recruitment Questions: Email ginger. Check out our Farm Activities Page for seasonal events on the farms!; Add your farm or Agricultural Business to our Farm Product and Service Directory! Click here FPSD. events@fauquiercounty. Q: How are the assessments on each parcel determined? A: Every four years, a general reassessment is conducted in Forgot your password? © 2025 - Fauquier County - https://www. yztozjvt dgxx gcybxpi zpknf pvxn ebic lbn nkksxsb gzkzgkr hwvfqv boe sqbeprg qkga xzzqqqd unbzx