Roblox non admin commands. Bighead – Makes the player’s head bigger.

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Roblox non admin commands. Unsmoke – Turns the smoke off.

Roblox non admin commands 0 Area-02 GPA Guidelines Last Updated: 06/20/2021 This document is a guide that goes over what it means to be a Gamepass Admin, what commands you have access to and the responsibilities you will have. Starting Roblox DevTenga's Training Center Admin : General Admin: This is the admin that can be used in all places, which means, the MainGame and the Training Center. A List of Available Roblox Admin Commands – Every command you need . Thank you. Command in chat: !spawn or !s (item) If you want to see all the guns, then check here. Starting Roblox. Small updates and bug-fixes are regularly made on the main module, worked on by the development team. Everytime player tries to join, player is kicked with the given (Reason). The use of admin commands requires Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. If you have just started using the platform, one of the most essential things you should know is Roblox admin commands. The commands are all the commands from the VIP rank together with 24 To use Roblox admin commands, you will need to have a Roblox account and be a game administrator or have permission from the game owner to use admin commands. What do you want to achieve? I made a game for admin with custom admin commands, and i made it so if someone types a command like “/blind” without “me” or “others” or smth then it will say “missing target in ‘blind’ using default [me]” it should show it to only the person who typed the message What is the issue? I want the message to only show to the Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. Roblox HD admin ignore if no rank. Make commands that tie in specifically with your game systems. By using the Studio, you TYPE ;cmds - DO NOT TYPE !cmds Grants access to all usual admin commands. Currently Essential features about 30+ commands and several components from basic utilities to highly sensitive stuff for developers. Let’s say we have this command: :speed me 100 We read if it Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. Admin commands typically start with a forward slash What is this? This is a very basic and simple admin system for people looking for the most basic admin system. Scripters should learn to be flexible and write dynamic code. S. You can also use these codes to mess around with other players, and they won’t even know it! Use the scripts from this Roblox Free admin commands list and truly become or make anyone the unbeatable player in your Roblox game. Use this Pass in: [ Content Deleted ] Price. A year later, I bring to you this tutorial; a much more in-depth guide to making admin commands. 0 by @r_r. clean -- Is a command anyone can use to remove hats/tools lagging up the place 3. If Use a PlayerAdded event and Chatted event, split the message, check if it was the correct command, and increase the player’s currency value. OP Prison Life script pastebin. By @BIGeploxBIG. I feel ROBLOX could help developers ©2024 Roblox Corporation. i was wondering how i could make it so when the player joins. Updated Welcome to the Admin Command System! This script is an Admin Command Sytem made enirely by me. Features: (Very bare Have you ever wanted to play your own game in a public server without being recognised? You could use an invisibility command from a free admin module, but that would make your character invisible to everyone - Hello, I am SpacePuppy2! Anyways, this is going to be a super basic tutorial on admin commands. 13, 2016 Description. Without any delay, lets get started. Custom Command is one of the best features of Product: exe. ;admin – Let someone use the command script;unadmin – Remove the permission to use admin commands; How to Use Admin Commands in Roblox Screenshot by GamerTweak. Functions: Admin commands. I have modified the permBan function, but once I did so, the :pban command doesn’t work on players in-game anymore. NO REFUNDS. What if you could completely hide your player and character from other Roblox admin commands are a set of commands that can be used by game administrators to manage and control various aspects of a Roblox game. it runs the /char command to change their character. I don’t know about you, but I often don’t add an Admin Commands script to my Roblox allows certain users to interact with and edit games. This is intended to be a more comprehensive and polished version. One of the simplest ways to get admin commands is by using the /admin command. Contribute to rjk0720/Roblox-Commands development by creating an account on GitHub. :kill me, :god me, :fire me, :unfire me, :smoke me, :unsmoke me, :sparkles me Basic Admin Essentials 2. . As a game creator or administrator, you may need to use all roblox admin commands to help you manage and moderate your game. Some Roblox admin commands allow you to perform tasks that have some utility in the game. Smoke – Creates smoke around the player. However, we will not be listing those as commands, and the process to apply them varies. You also get a custom chat and command bar. Utility Commands. For Kohl's Admin Infinite, Allows you to use non-abusive commands only on your self, PM me any bugs Greetings, I am currently modifying Basic Admin Essentials 2. These are the largest updates to HD Admin in five years, with many more to come - all changes are backwards compatible and are designed to What do commands do in [FREE ADMIN]? Commands are, well, commands, that instruct the brain of the experience you're playing to complete certain tasks. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. I have tried debugging this issue, but I had no luck with this. local Players = game:GetService('Players') -- Get the "Players" service local admins = { -- A table of people that can run the command game. If you are looking for a free Admin Command modules, you can get the HD Admin. A feature-packed, but simple admin commands script that is reliable, safe and efficient with tons of user-customisability and support for custom commands. ) “Random” for random C0FF3BAD (pronounced “coffee bad”) is an easily loadable chat commands module with convenient features. THIS IS OUTDATED Hello everyone! Here is my open sourced custom admin script, brandon’s admin Version 3 - Roblox This admin has a total of 207 admin commands, with a working: warning system ;warn [username] , ;checkwarn [username], ;delwarn [username] [warning ID] ban storage system. <details><summary>1: Inserting our Script. Parsing First of all, how do scripts read commands? There’s many ways, but I use message:split(" ") to get the arguments from the command. In this article, we’ll show you how to get admin commands on any Roblox game. I looked for solutions on the forum but could not find any that would help me. + Search Bar Trouble finding a command? You can now search for it using the search bar. You are not to admin abuse to harm anyone in any way, shape, or form. 0 (BAE) is by far the most commonly used admin commands module amongst cafe/restaurant roleplay games. They are prefixed with a forward slash "/". In this tutorial, you will learn about string:split() and more. All you’ll have to do is find the the command module under the extension folder and delete it: In game exclusives with this :D Commands: 0. This means that you can only use commands on yourself, and not other people. - [ADMIN] tag in the chat (surely your model could be taken down, after people already stop using it because abuse) This has been the case for things like a module using too many DataStore and HttpService requests, and I assume this could happen again for anything Osyris stated, but there has never been a widespread case of this, since the only private module systems out there are Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. 08, 2016 Description. Method 1: Using the /admin Command. One way to execute admin commands without using the chat box is by using the Roblox Studio. Introduction. Discover Charts; Marketplace; Create; Price. 1. Report Item I have a game and the admins always use commands in chat which just looks bad/makes the game look bad. !), other players can’t see the message. ;ban, ;unban, ;pban ( ID based ban ) ALL COMMANDS Person299's admin command script is a command script created in 2008 by Person299. 1,999. Commands can ONLY be used on yourself. com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Once initialized, a topbar button is displayed ProAdmin - Modular Custom Admin System Hello! I have developed a custom admin system in your games. Use this Pass in: Billionaire Tycoon [READ DESC] Price. you can find the HD model under The command "merge/[player name]/[different player name]" gives the first listed player control of the second listed player's character while the similar "control/[player name]" puts you in control of the player. As a game developer or administrator, you may need to perform certain tasks on the platform, such as managing user accounts, controlling game settings, or debugging issues. The /e youtube command will automatically be activated in the rip_indra vs mygame43 cutscene. un So I was making admin commands (non module so far) and I was thinking of having autofilling names. Use this Pass in: Spongebob Adventure Obby. Starting Roblox Grand Admin - v1. Bighead – Makes the player’s head bigger. Is this true? If anyone knows please tell me because I use this. </summary>For starters, we need to insert a script into ServerScriptService. This library uses chat modules, which allows for easy You can unlock many hidden features of Roblox using the admin commands. You are not able to admin people within the game, or perm ban anyone. Allows you to use Admin Commands in the hangout! Read More. Roblox, the Roblox logo and Powering Imagination are among our registered and unregistered trademarks in the U. chrisopdemobiel. 05, 2016 Read More. In this article, we will provide Admin Commands Settings: Argument Splitter: “/” Commands Splitter: “;” Ban List: Functional GUI: WIP Multiple Commands fired at same time: Functional Groups Shortened Player Names: Functional !All: Functional !Others: Functional !Me: Functional !Clones: Functional Misc: BrickColor + RGB Functional for all Objects. The other day, I found out you can type numbers as Hex code in lua. These commands, known as 🧬 Click here to view latest changes If you’re the developer of an experience with over 1000+ CCU regularly, reach out to me on the DevForum or X / Twitter to get access to 1-1 communication and exclusive insights. Look for games that have What is XR? XR stands out as a user-friendly administrative dashboard with a clean and intuitive interface. It is one of the most commonly used and well-known admin command scripts in all of Roblox. How can I access the list of commands? The script comes with over 300 commands. I have tried videos but none of them teach how to do it. Great for admin commands, but does much more. Roblox is one of the most popular online gaming platforms where users can program and create their own games, and can also play games created by other Roblox users. HD Admin - Creating a Command - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox Loading HD Admin is a command script free model developed mainly by ForeverHD and 1waffle1, introduced at the end of 2016. SHR Commands: Command Description Example; pban (Player)(Reason): Permanently bans the given (Player). *Offsale now, only works in the old 2PMT version. Normalhead – Returns the head to Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. :m Hello People -- This commands will let you shout a message to everyone on the server 6. You simply use preface the number with 0x. I mean this part of command, for example: ;command all Is there is any plugin for Adonis? FentTamer (roblox_user_162251420) January 16, 2025, So I was making admin commands (non module so far) and I was thinking of having autofilling names. :clear -- Will remove all scripts/localscripts and jails 4. Discover Charts; Marketplace; Price. This article discusses the hottest Roblox admin commands in 2022. Non-Abusive Admin ~ 50+ commands To open the commands ingame say :cmds You can only use these commands on yourself, so use "me". After it is put into your games’ workspace, drag the folders Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. Currently Admin gives you access to a variety of fun commands along with exclusive ADMIN status! Just type ;cmds in-game to see the full list. Essential Admin Modern Administration Yet Finest Summary Essential is a private administration system that allows administrators and super administrators to have easy and complex control over the game. In this article, we’ll show you how to type admin commands in Roblox without using the chat box. An initial pattern is applied to the input to simultaneously verify the presence of an instigator prefix and separate the command from its arguments. Im using HD Admin and i noticed you can use /char to change your character. HELLO KITTY ADMIN COMMANDS. non-administrateur – Supprimer l’autorisation d’utiliser les commandes d Là, dans la boîte à outils, recherchez HD Admin. All commands can be found in the HD Admin info tab. This runs on the Server, so please create the object on the server. Use this Pass List of Best Roblox Admin Commands . What is this? This is a simple admin system module that is used for administrating your game. I need use all commands for themselves not other players. Minihead – This Roblox admin commands Makes the player’s head smaller. I want it to be so if I have the prefix (ex. There are currently three versions of this script available, the most recent being made in October 2018. Visual Learner? Watch @Cookie_DevX’s video to learn more about Custom Commands. For example :fly me Make sure I saw another post about HD admin, so this should abide by the posting rules Anyways, I am making a Gamepass so that you can have access to moderator commands. Included in the list is the command code, description, syntax, required rank and helpful We tell you what are the cheats, codes and console commands available in Roblox, the successful title for PC and iOS or Android mobile devices. The first person to join a Build Island server is the owner of the server and automatically has access to the Build Island Admin Commands. Use this Pass in: [PLESIOSAUR] FISH: Eat To Grow! 麗. 150. Enregistrez et publiez le jeu Knowing these commands allows Roblox admins to create fun scenarios, produce unique gameplay mechanics, and moderate their servers. But once I tested the game to make sure everything is configured correctly it showed up with a gamepass that I didn’t make asking the player to buy this “Owner Admin Commands A command plugin for “Basic Admin Essentials” that can only be use on one person. Feb. Non-abusive commands that you can only use on yourself. There are many commands, and we are going to list some of the Type /cmds for an always up-to-date list of commands /airdrops [on/off] /criticalHits [on/off] /explode [player] [damage] [radius] [pressure] /fly [player] /freeze How to Get Admin Commands in Every Roblox Game? To get admin commands in every Roblox game, you’ll need to follow these steps: Step 1: Create a Roblox Account. Capture d'écran par GamerTweak Dans Roblox, les commandes d'administration vous permettent de faire pratiquement n'importe quoi. Besides the default Admin commands in Roblox, a variety are available to use via command packs and mods. However, do ©2024 Roblox Corporation. In this post I’ll be explaining how you can make your own chat admin commands system for controlling your Roblox game. Section 1: Introduction The Gamepass Admin gives you a variety of commands that allow you to help the Area-02 staff team moderate the game. Can somebody help me, I using in my experience Adonis admin commands, I want to disable all for players that have gamepass access. This is very non-abusive, mainly for people looking for strict moderation systems, and for people looking to learn on how to start making their own admin system. Who is this for? This module is specifically for people who don’t need all of the features of HD Admin, and just need ROBLOX Admin Commands and How To Use Them. Hey I was wondering does anyone know if HD admin and ignore any commands (including things lilke ;info, ;cmds and etc if the player has no rank/admin. Its polished design facilitates seamless navigation, placing all commands conveniently at users’ fingertips on the initial page of the layout. These commands are available for most Roblox games, if not all. PLEASE use Essential Admin (Prefix is ; ) and not HD Admin, otherwise, the gamepass won't work! You will receive admin commands such as ;fly, ;kill, etc! Prefix is ; IMPORTANT NOTES: YOU CAN ONLY USE COMMANDS ON YOURSELF! YOU CAN NOT KICK AND BAN PEOPLE! Read More Note: Intermediate scripting knowledge is a prerequisite to understand some of the things going on within this tutorial. Starting Roblox Hello everyone! Here is my open sourced custom admin script, brandon’s admin Version 3 - Roblox. Buy. Apr. com Kohl's Admin Infinite - Roblox. These commands can range from simple actions like kicking or banning players to more complex operations such as modifying game settings or executing custom scripts. non abusive admin DONT BUY IT YET. Basically you can create your own commands really easily, and also add your own admins and get player chatting events easier. 25, 2024 Description. This is where the CustomCommands module comes in. Unsmoke – Turns the smoke off. My Inspiration Before I Title kinda says it Admin commands are really important for some games (non-FE/ testing purposes) I feel a legit ROBLOX-own admin command script (like the gamepass/teleport scripts in the toolbox) would be hugley popular! You can see its #1 all time most taken: showing how useful admin commands is. I also need help making the commands. A formal Roblox CLI (Command Line Interface) would utilize string patterns to break down the input. Works on mobile: Arceus X, Delta X, Solara Prison Life script – (Admin Commands) Prison Life is an exciting and immersive game set in the world of Roblox, where players have the opportunity to experience life as a prisoner or a guard. Your admin commands probably require some shady module that sends your game link to a shady Discord server which allows shady people to use admin in your game. Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. Included in the list is the command code, description, syntax, required rank and helpful examples. You may have to rejoin to use it. How can the Admin interface be used in my game? The panel is easily accessible through chatting simple commands or even using custom key-binds which are available to change via the settings script. Discover Charts; Marketplace; Create; Discover Charts; Marketplace; By DNF Games. Non-admins cannot use commands (with exceptions for some commands in certain games). Does kohl’s admin commands contain a virus? I’ve been hearing things about it containing a virus where people could hack your game. ⚠️ ALL GAMEPASSES ARE NON REFUNDABLE ⚠️ An admin command is a keyword or phrase that a user with certain level of control can type into the chat window to trigger an action. The popular Roblox experience [FREE ADMIN] allows players to delve into their chaotic side an Recommended Videos When creating games on ROBLOX, players have access to a bunch of commands which can affect how yourself, or other players, act. A searchable list of all Roblox admin commands for the most popular admin command plugins in 2025: HD Admin and Kohl's Admin Infinite. This will give you VIP Rank for Kohl's Admin: Infinite, for this game. Nonetheless, here are the best admin commands in Roblox you can access for the best customizable experience in Updated Adonis Guide <details><summary>What is adonis?</summary>Adonis is an administrative system created for your roblox game, it has the purpose of giving people powers and giving people commands to do things. To use commands, admins simply type them into the chat box. You can view the full list in the provided documentation or via its official website. This module allows you to: Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. 999. 📄 Preface Adonis is a major open source administration and moderation system for ROBLOX games, distributed under the MIT <details><summary>Preramble on how we got here</summary>Migrate to TextChatService: Removing Support for Legacy Chat and Custom Chat Systems I think this announcement came as a really big shocker to most, however it was destined to happen sooner or later given the landscape of governments imposing restrictions on corporations. 31, 2023 Description. 400. This admin has a total of 207 admin commands, with a working: warning system ;warn [username] , ;checkwarn [username], ;delwarn [username] [warning ID] ban storage system. Can’t be used on “:warn %team” “:warn all”, only works on one person “:warn user” What is the issue? Creating an Admin Commands System Hey everyone! This is still my 2nd tutorial on the platform so please cut some slack if it’s not that great. Aug. Read More Use only the following AMAZING powers: (Say :cmds in-game to view the commands). local commands = {} -- [[ Services ]] -- local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService") local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players") local Settings = { Prefix = ";"; -- Symbol that lets the script know the message is a command ChannelName = "Admin"; -- Name of the chat channel we'll be creating to send admin Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. Mar. :trip kohl -- Trips the player 10. 12, 2025 Description. 07, 2024 Description. Discover; Marketplace; Create; 10% More By @Quoy. It’s a super robust and versatile module, but has one big problem: there is no public IDK how to use custom commands. Gives you Mod Rank in HD Admin. AUTOMATIC RIFLES []!s AK-47 !s MK17CQC !s SOPMODBlockII !s ak-15 Cmdr Website Cmdr is a fully extensible and type safe command console for Roblox developers. I have tried my best to come up with some example ones of what I would like and the only one I could think of would be a command like “fart player”. Ex: More Cash, Speed, Fly, Noclip Is the Nameless Admin Script compatible with all Roblox games? Yes, the script is designed to work universally across most Roblox games, providing unmatched flexibility. Help and Feedback. As a prisoner, you’ll navigate the challenges and dangers of prison life, working to find a way to escape and regain your freedom. If you don’t already have a Roblox account, create one by visiting the Roblox website and following the sign-up process. I developed this in ~1. It includes functionalities for banning and unbanning players, checking player ban history, and retrieving ©2025 Roblox Corporation. You can put it in workspace too, but I prefer SSS. Is there a way I can fix the command bar, without This is kohls admin commands, If you want to know the commands, go to their admin, and then get it for your place, and it should say what you can do. So, with the recent drama, and since custom admin commands are very useful, I bring you this admin commands tutorial. Use this Pass in: Get the elite rank from hd admin (non-abuseful version) Type. allowing you to use certain admin commands. Target Selection I’m trying to make a value change command and I can’t figure it out, here’s my current script: local perms = {"Dubleey"} game. These commands can only be used by admins of the game. y Fork the MainModule, remove the desired commands, and require the copy instead. A script for handling chat events, a Essential Admin Modern Administration Yet Finest Summary Essential is a private administration system that allows administrators and super administrators to have easy and complex control over the game. I introduce to you, the 'SR Admin Panel, a admin panel that is extremely easy to use and setup whilst being a efficient and a definitely useful admin panel. Just remove that admin system and get a reputable one, such as this: roblox. When creating games on ROBLOX, players have access to a bunch of commands which can affect how yourself, or other players, act. 6. Get the elite rank from hd admin (non-abuseful version) Have you ever wanted to play your own game in a public server without being recognised? You could use an invisibility command from a free admin module, but that would make your character invisible to everyone - including you, and besides, players will be able to see you in the leaderboard. Discover Charts; Marketplace; Create; Discover Charts; Marketplace; Allows you to use Admin Commands in the hangout! Type. I use HD Admin by @ForeverHD and I want to know if there’s a way to make all commands still work and work in the chat but Hello. PlayerGui A growing set of admin commands for Roblox. This library uses chat modules, which allows for easy implementation of admin commands on top of the legacy chat system. How can I restrict it so that they cannot use the ;all, or ;others, feature? Specifically so that they can only run commands on themselves to prevent admin abuse. Par @Gotemny@Gotemny Roblox: All cheats and console commands We tell you what are the cheats, codes and console commands available in Roblox, the successful title for PC and iOS or Android mobile devices. Chat modules listen to incoming messages on the server and can execute actions based on whatever criteria is desired. I am currently working on a new form of Admin UI. Doing so will result in a PBAN! Read More How to Do Admin Commands on Roblox? Roblox is a popular online platform that allows users to create and play a wide variety of games. Discover Charts; Marketplace; Create; Discover Charts; Marketplace; Buying this gamepass will give you 70 different commands from Kohls admin infinite and a blue "Admin commands" tag above your head. (For By buying this pass, you will receive VIP commands. The system is fairly easy to use for non-scripters. Pass. Jan. The commands are structured the same way but not all of the P299 commands are included. 1 Fixed the sign and other object based commands offsetting incorrectly for R6 players Fixed the example custom Admin Module This project is a comprehensive Roblox Admin Commands System based on the new BanAPI. Non-abusive admin commands. Dec. That gave me an idea. Gives you a VIP chat tag and VIP rank in the game, allowing you to use Introduction Admin commands are difficult to make and take a lot of work. Also will be able to use the ;ff command for a limited amount of time, followed by a cooldown. Method 1: Using the Roblox Studio. I am very unsure of what I have did wrong. Players. Setup Get the model from this link if you haven’t already. I would like to find out how I would be able to fix this as I really need this Commands are abilities/functions that are usable by entering specific words in the chat after a slash (/). Here is my code I have tried a lot I don’t know how to use string. Buy [READ] These Admin Commands are non-abusive, and cannot effect other's and themselves Tycoon experience. Price. Ex: 0xA is the same as writing 10. Once you have the necessary permissions, you can use admin commands in the game by typing them into the chat window and pressing enter. 14 Welcome to Grand Admin. Step 2: Join a Game with Admins. For Kohl's Admin Infinite, Allows you to use non-abusive commands only on your self, PM me any bugs or problems with this. Usually, Roblox games’ admins are players who created the game, but creators can give you access to admin commands to help moderate I’ve seen several posts on fixing the missing command bar issue, and all of the solutions provided in them are hacky and vary from reinstalling studio altogether to going into your computer registry and changing its location, taking a step back and looking at it it’s pretty dumb that you can’t just fix it within studio. Jail Cell Model: Used for the /jail command. By @EatMyShekels. What is a Essential Admin Modern Administration Yet Finest Summary Essential is a private administration system that allows administrators and super administrators to have easy and complex control over the game. Hard coding something like an admin commands system is bad practice. May be added to the new version of 2PMT, but that is unlikely. No matter how much I try, I can’t seem to get it correct. Discover; Avatar Shop; Create; Admin Commands. With Nanoblox this becomes dramatically easier. <details><summary>Why not use free The first version of Beta has just released, and the following has been added to Nano with it; + Favourited Commands You can now add commands to your favourites by pressing on the Star on them. Add custom admin commands with ease. Type. Placez-le n’importe où dans l’expérience. GUNS []. Read More A Developer’s Guide to Setting up the Adonis Administration System Written By: @Expertcoderz, Adonis Maintainer on GitHub Thanks to @ar_qx for the original guide. Also one other question I have since I deleted the “Non Admin” rank when you go onto the about page it says May. Sparkles – This Roblox admin commands makes your player sparkly. Updated. It is a more modernized version of the ever popular HD admin. My Inspiration Before I Hello, I am trying to make admin commands using the chat but it doesn’t work. By @debmarie10. + Accent Colours You can now allow (or force) players to use a custom accent Rejoin the game and your admin will work. The script comes with 3 items inside of it. There is a small glossary at the bottom of the tutorial if you want some quick explanations of certain functions or concepts. Discover; Avatar Shop Marketplace; When you buy this you will get admin you can mess around and do stuff with it! >| Please note that this item is non refundable and if you abuse on it you will be banned! |< Type. PlayerAdded:Connect Here are some frequently asked questions about admin commands in Roblox: Q: Can I use admin commands in a non-game context, such as a chat or a role-playing game? A: Yes, you can use admin commands in non-game contexts, such as chat or role-playing games. Roblox Studio is a powerful tool that allows you to create and customize your own Roblox games. 5 hours. BillboardGui Nametag: Utilized for the Une erreur est survenue. 50. and how to make it so even non admins can have it work too Hi, I needed help in making Admin commands for my game. Type in chat :cmds to view a list of commands you can use. If you see a way to improve this system, then feel free to let me know! Information: <details><summary>How do I use this?</summary>Enable (Studio Access to API Services / Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. --Level 2 admins (All non-global commands) [2] = {},--Level 3 admins (Only fun commands) [3] = {},--Commands with level 4+ can be used by anyone --ToDo} Hello, I am LunaMoon (Meerkat3245). match and if you can help heres my code: commands. It was one of the first "admin commands" scripts and is now one of the most popular and known admin command scripts that has ever been created on Roblox. Discover Charts; Marketplace; Create; Elite Commands. A searchable list of all Roblox admin commands for the most popular admin command plugins in 2025: HD Admin and Kohl's Admin Infinite. I’ve seen various admin commands tutorials but none that explain how to create a modular system. 4. This will give you VIP Rank for Kohl's Admin: Infinite Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. Just as the title says, I need help trying to figure out funny and exotic admin commands. CreatorId } Players. Tutorial I watched: https://www. ;ff increased in duration. Script: local Chat = game:GetService("Chat") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local IsPrivateServer = false local PrivateServerOwner local AdminList = {} local Settings = { Prefix = ":"; } local function LogMessage(message, logtype) if logtype == "print" then Using Kohl’s Admin Infinite in Roblox provides more than 200 commands, including custom commands, batch commands, anti-exploit commands, and bans. All gamepasses are non-refundable. Gives you access to spawn cars, and gives you access to ADMIN. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- < > signifies arguments that are optional, [ ] signifies required arguments, // means that there is another command related to the one listed list of colors and times that are available is at the bottom Prefix for all commands is “:”, for example, the speed command would be :speed Moderator Commands speed [speed number] sparkles < color > // unsparkles fire < color > // ©2025 Roblox Corporation. These commands, known as Admin Commands, are special lines of Some games don’t allow commands, like Brookhaven, but that is based on the developer’s preferences. Around a year ago, I made this tutorial, with little knowledge. Roblox Admin Commands: Roblox is a popular gaming platform where players can create, play, and share their own games. and other countries. Scripting Support. this is level 1 admin you can buy and when you buy this game pass you will get commands that are non abusive that you can only use on your self. (Fire,Sparkles,Smoke etc. You cannot target players with commands, only yourself. Build Island Admin Commands are based on a very old version of Person299’s Admin Commands script. (no refunds) Type. It lets you create commands with relatively low effort, and it has many other useful features for string parsing, and the such. I noticed that there isnt many admin panels (for free) on the Roblox platform therefore I decided to create a admin panel. Unsparkles – Nullifies the sparkles command. The Hi there y’all! Name’s Scripter_Rickster (or you can just call me Rick). 3,000. Let’s get started! Setup For our setup all we need is 3 things. Admin commands are a set of commands Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play. As you're likely aware, each experience on Roblox is made using some sort of code, and this code is what makes the experience work. You can create different types of commands that do different things like setting the time to dawn, clearing your friend’s accessories, or making the server go blind by making the environment as bright ©2025 Roblox Corporation. - [ADMIN] tag in the chat Type. :respawn kohl -- Respawns the player 7. :jump kohl -- Makes ©2024 Roblox Corporation. The panel is extremely Note: This tutorial is for people who understand basic to intermediate scripting. This script was or Patch - v1. 076 - Infinite yield possible on 'Players. ;ban, ;unban, ;pban (ID based ban) ALL COMMANDS Hi, so I’m sure we are familiar of Kohls Admin Commands made by ForeverHD. After the scene ends, this command will Pastebin. Let’s get started! You can An admin command is a keyword or phrase that a user with certain level of control can type into the chat window to trigger an action. * ;fly removed due to abuse. So I’m currently making a Border Roleplay game and added in the Admin Commands for group Officers. Hit the green-colored “Get” button and press the Get it Now button as you head there. Intelligent This looks very nice, but I came across an issue: 14:54:42. Adonis is also used to do things you would usually have to make many scripts for, for example, if you want to change a leader board stat adonis Having admin commands can be a game-changer, giving you the power to take your gaming experience to the next level. Type ;cmds to view all commands. By @Redsisco. I struggle with coming up with unique ideas for these kind of things ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ � I tried to make my admin commands and I found an easy tutorial on YouTube on how to do it, I watched it and did it but the script isn’t working, Can someone assist me with this? Thanks. vdzynb orkwn mlnyls tikjm gvutpys vqmj prgakj xebdhnh oxe lqzvb fklgqy gyhk bifiv pylxxr nsqmvy