Natural gas shrinkage calculation. mol % Carbon Dioxide.
Natural gas shrinkage calculation Online calculator to quickly determine Pressure Loss through Piping for Gas. National Gas investigates the causes of UAG, which is one of the components of NTS Shrinkage. Pressure. Charges associated with the balancing and distribution of gas on the system. API-11. q b, q air b, and SG b are natural gas density, air density, and specific gravity at base tempera-ture (T b =60 F) and pressure (P b = 14. Given the data to generate these liquid volume calculation factors, a typical sequence for a dynamic volume calculation is: 1. Most part shrinkage occurs during the cooling phase while the part is still in the molding tool, but a small amount of shrinkage occurs after Gas Networks Ireland Distribution Tariffs for the operation of the distribution network. , Savidge, J. 1 By mramono Nov 10 2011 05:10 PM FREE MS Excel Add-in for To By Chris Haslego Gas shrinkage has three components: • Compressor Fuel Usage is the energy used to run compressors to manage pressures within the gas transmission system. Introduction The gas formation volume factor is used to relate the volume of gas, as measured at reservoir conditions, to the volume of the gas as measured at standard conditions, that is, 60°F and 14. Calculation and expression of measurement uncertainty, even though compulsory in some situations There are many equations for determining the flow in natural gas pipes and the pressure drops associated with those flows, or vice versa. e. Members 98 posts Posted 01 September 2020 - 02:52 AM. That is a representative spec for a natural gas transmission In addition to LDCs, natural gas is now the primary source of electric power generation in the USA. For each quarter, forecasts will be calculated four months ahead of Through 2018, The Form EIA-64A collects data on the volume of natural gas received for processing, the total quantity of natural gas liquids produced, and the resulting shrinkage National Grid Gas Transmission (NGGT) is incentivised to minimise the costs incurred in the role of NTS Shrinkage Provider. Best Regards. The natural gas infrastructure is consequently faced with two major challenges. A slipstream of compressed tailgate gas is cooled in the feed multi Electronic fl ow measurement (EFM) methodologies have been applied to natural gas measurement for decades. The gas cap is one of the natural forces that can push the oil towards the wellbore. The current charge for natural gas from Peoples Gas is $0. Coal-and-gas outbursts represent a significant hazard in coal mining, with gas expansion energy (GEE) in coal seams being a primary energy source. MW air is the molecular weight of air (typical taken to be 28. If you would like to change the rate used in the calculations above, enter a new rate below. The difference is shrinkage. . 696 psia) (Perry, p. This gas property is then defined as the actual volume occupied by a certain amount of gas at a specified pressure and temperature, divided by the volume occupied by the same amount The SGE Methodology | First Edition, 2021 7 Table E-1. Natural gas—calculation of compression factor. In one approach, 12 cubic equations of state (EoSs), comprising the popular Peng-Robinson (PR) and Redlich-Kwong-Soave (RKS), are employed to predict the saturated liquid density of 20 LNG mixtures. source, shale gas reservoir has complex reservoir characteris-tics and production mechanisms (Shi et al. ISO 20765 consists of the following parts, under the general title Natural gas — Calculation of thermodynamic properties: — Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications • Unaccounted for Gas is the remaining quantity of gas which is unallocated after taking into account all measured inputs and outputs from the system. The oil industry must invest in hydrocarbon exploration and production assets to meet this demand. It is separated into two calculations; one for the effect of the temperature ( ܥ ்) and one for the effect of the pressure ( ܥ ) on the liquid. 2013. Abstract. 3B), typically 15%–30% of the main stream exiting the separators of the cooling train, is subcooled against the cold residue gas and refluxed to the de(m)ethanizer tower (in the case of a single-column arrangement) or to the absorber tower. Note the differences between the value of the gas used to produce the product and the value of the product itself. 97) G gas is the specific gravity of the natural gas . Sometimes a gas plant may show an apparent "gain" in volume instead of a loss. gov. 5 bbl of NGL per mmcf of gas. Traditional calculation models have struggled with limited understanding of outburst Calorific Value Shrinkage (CVS) is gas which cannot be billed due to application of the Gas (Calculation of Thermal Energy) Regulations 1996 (amended 1997). 101,325 N/m 2, 14. That is, shippers must supply more gas at a California Gas Transmission receipt point than they receive at the delivery point. With the continuous maturity of seabed combustible ice mining technology, natural gas has become the first choice for industrial and civil fuels (Khan et al. To carry out a calculation simply select the right sizes, and the calculator will handle the rest. Therefore, the porosity will be influenced by the combined effect of both stress sensitivity and in HYSYS software is used for pipeline design, the hydraulic calculation of natural gas long-distance pipeline is carried out, and the traditional teaching equation is used for checking calculation. Equations displayed for easy reference. 16. 4). Shrinkage and Balancing. Gas cap shrinkage affects the recovery of oil from the reservoir, because it reduces the pressure and the drive energy of the gas cap. Unaccounted for Gas (UAG) is the remaining quantity of gas which is unallocated after taking into account all measured inputs and outputs from the system. In the United States, where better information is available, the average NGL yield of natural gas is higher: 35-40 bbl per mmcf. is typically expressed as GPM, the abbreviation for gallons of liquid per thousand cubic feet of Natural Gas Compressibility Factor This web application calculates compressibility factor for natural gas based on Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem equation of state (DAK - EOS). As the components are independent quantities, the total gas shrinkage will be forecast by considering the three components individually and summing these individual forecasts. In this chapter, physical models for the calculation of physical properties of natural gas are presented. Accurate calculation of the heating-value (BTU) reduction as the result of natural gas being processed is essential for determining revenues for The gas compressibility factor of a natural gas is a measure of its deviation from ideal gas behaviour. Accurate GEE assessment is vital for outburst prediction and mitigation, thereby enhancing mining safety. 26/02/2019 5 Shrinkage is combusted gas that isn’t metered that is used either during routine operations or lost through theft. [2] This standard is concurrently Without composition information and consideration for volume shrinkage due to molecular Natural gases are derived from two basic sources: associated gas, which is liberated from oil, and gas condensates, where hydrocarbon liquid, if present, is vaporized in the gas phase. A typical value of the higher heating value of LNG is approximately 50 MJ/kg or 21,500 BTU/lb. MMSCFD. The calculation results of the two are approximately equal. NTS shrinkage energy (gas The calculator enables the calculation of natural gas flow by treating it as an incompressible or as a compressible fluid. Shrinkage gas means own use gas and/or natural gas required to replace “ unaccounted for gas ” ( uag) and gas used for fuel within the network. Includes 53 different calculations. According to the US Energy Information Administration, natural gas currently accounts for 34% of total electricity generation and is expected to increase to 39% by 2050. Previous articles in this series suggest that either schedule 40 steel pipe or polyethylene pipe The volume of oil will therefore shrink slightly after the gas has been liberated. 79, we get 11,701 MMbtu of natural gas shrinkage necessary to produce our $87,098 of ethane. Characterizing, measuring, and correlating the physical properties of natural gases must take into account this variety of constituents. In addition to the calculation of the pressure drop due to friction, the calculator also allows the calculation of local resistances in the form of valves or fittings. 4 of the Feed gas is this good assumption ? Jim Bieda Union Pacific Resources Co. The method of Btus per cubic foot of gas. 2), it can be stated that the problem of the technological operation of pipeline systems in optimal conditions is a very important one (Neacsa et al. Nitrogen. This is called gas cap shrinkage. 9 kPa) pipe line with a small pressure loss can be calculated with the Spitzglass formula. Shrinkage is a combination of Leakage, Own Use Gas and Theft of Gas. This design guideline covers the basic elements in the field of Natural Gas Liquids Units in sufficient detail to allow an engineer to design a NGL unit with the suitable size of diameter, reflux Compared with other fossil energy sources, natural gas has the advantages of large reservoirs and clean combustion (Hao et al. mol % Carbon Dioxide. Keywords Natural gas pipeline; hydraulic calculation; HYSYS software. Each portion of gas plant economics must be incorporated into the economic model including: product allocation, fuel, shrink, fees, and contract terms. The liquid condensing in piping and vessels as part of the process of Select the Calculation Type: Choose from general flow, natural gas, or pressure-based calculations. The gas compressibility factor is the ratio of the volume actually occupied by a gas at a given pressure and temperature to the volume the gas would occupy at the same pressure and temperature if it behaved like an ideal gas. Our intent is to determine the validity of each equation with respect to flow rates that might be encountered by a plumbing engineer. Calculation Of Shrinkage In Crude - posted in Refining, Hydrocarbons, Oil, and Gas: Plz, i like to get some of the Petroleum Egineering Calculations like the calaculation of the shrinkage factor of crude when flashed. This can either be gas or electricity, depending on the power source for the specific compressor. For the purpose of comparison of PetroWiki is now a part of OnePetro, bringing all SPE resources together in one trusted, easily navigable location. The natural gas storedin shale gas reservoir consistsof freegas,adsorbed gas, which makes up 20–85% of the total gas reserve, and little dissolved gas in The heating value depends on the source of gas that is used and the process that is used to liquefy the gas. 5 air is the density of air at a specified temperature and pressure gas is the density of the gas at the same temperature and pressure Example #1: What is the density of a sample of natural gas of specific gravity 0. There were considered economic conditions and safety in operation, in As the formation pressure drops during the development process of shale gas reservoir, the effects of stress sensitivity and matrix shrinkage occur. q = natural gas volume flow (cfh) h = pressure drop (in Water Column) l = length of pipe (ft) Natural gas liquids are a mixture of light hydrocarbons, with small amounts of inerts, in liquid form. $ per therm Gas calculator - equation. 3-167). In each formula: X = the decimal equivalent of the Knowing these properties is necessary to determine the deviation from the Ideal Gas Law, flow characteristics of the gas, potential processing requirements of the natural gas, and revenue ܥ ் is sometimes called a volume correction factor ( ܸܥܨ ). By inputting specific parameters such as gas flow rate, pressure drop, and pipe length, users can quickly calculate the appropriate pipe diameter. These properties are routinely used in flow calculations of commonly used natural gas flowmeters ( e. A slipstream (FIG. Part 2: calculation using molar—composition analysis. With this section added, you Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12—Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Section 3—Volumetric Shrinkage Resulting From Blending Light Hydrocarbons With Crude Oils Mass Measurement of Natural Gas Liquids and Other Hydrocarbons. Disclaimer: All software provided "As-Is" with no warranty, expressed or implied, available. mol % with natural gas liquids (NGLs) to transact business. Slurry Pump Calculation 1. 8 . Natural gas at the plant tailgate has a Btu content of somewhere between 1,000 and 1,100 Btus per cubic foot, typically 1,028 Btus. 17. The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 193, Natural Gas, Subcommittee SC 1, Analysis of Natural Gas. 2 National Engineering Laboratory of Pipeline Transmission Safety/Key Laboratory of producing gas-liquid ratios will remain constant throughout wet natural gas reservoir life. This standard describes the criteria for the equipment NUMERICAL PROCEDURES FOR NATURAL GAS 215 where K is the mixture size parameter calculated using the following equation [18]: K5 = N i=1 x iK 5 2 i 2 +2 N −1 i=1 N j=i+1 x ix j(K 5 ij −1)(K iK Standard Conditions: In our gas leak rate calculation, standard conditions are 15 o C (i. Shrinkage formulae and examples are available at Calculating Shrinkage. Gold Member. 9 per mmbtu. Factors like equivalent length, appliance heat input, and the multiple appliances connected to the circuit must be considered. On the basis of SuHuoFu formula, considering the effect of the Joule-thomson, according to the natural gas flowing through a pipe heat conduction basic theory. 67 o R) and 1 atm (i. Gas Condensate Properties. Natural Gas Shrinkage Calculation. [2] A typical value of the lower heating value of LNG is 45 MJ/kg or 19,350 BTU/lb. 2 Genetic Other measurement-related calculation routines are also provided, allowing quick calculation of volumes at different operating pressures, base conditions, or atmospheric pressure conditions. Physical models of transport properties (viscosity, conductivity) result from the kinetic Download scientific diagram | Standing and Katz’s compressibility factor chart from publication: New explicit correlation for the compressibility factor of natural gas: linearized z-factor shrink replacement and allowable plant fuel. Natural Gas Viscosity. 7 psia. a. Natural Gas Pipeline Sizing This web application does the Natural Gas Pipeline Sizing calculation based on General flow equation, AGA, Weymouth, Panhandle-A, Panhandle-B, IGT equation. to handle volume gains in a gas plant, please contact RoyaltyValuation@onrr. q = 3550 k ( h / (l SG)) 1/2 (1) where . GB/T 13610: 2014. , 2018). Today, EFM methods are also being used to account for stabilized liquid product transfers that occur between pipelines, tanks and o,m in the allocation calculation when the shrinkage factor is derived using an EOS model. 2 per million btu (mmbtu) compared to electric heat at $34. , 2014, Gallagher et al. The gas venting may occur through an orifice . there is a lot more that goes into the calculation of actual value based on component gases and contracts, and shrinkage and other things but this can give you a rough idea of what you should be receiving. 2020, 2016). 7 The numerical computation of natural gas pipeline temperature drop will provide the reference data for the design of gas pipeline, the judgement of hydrate formation, the normal production and operation. 73 psia), respectively. On the way to surface and in the separator, the pressure and temperature decrease. This web application calculates viscosity for natural gas based on Lee, Gonzales and Eakin Equations. Fuel/Shrinkage The mechanical compression of natural gas along the interstate pipeline results in a volume loss called shrinkage or fuel cost. These correlations were found to be unsatisfactory for predicting differential gas liberation and shrinkage data now obtained experimentally. In recent years, several methods have been proposed for correlation of physical properties and behavior of hydrocarbon systems. 2. In 1941 Standing and Katz (1) presented a compressibility factor chart based on binary mixtures and saturated hydrocarbon vapor data. 8, American Petroleum Institute (API) The Natural Gas Pipe Sizing Calculator is an essential tool designed to simplify the process of determining the optimal pipe size for gas distribution systems. Stress sensitivity effect decreases the porosity of reservoir formation, while matrix shrinkage effect increases the porosity. 65 at standard temperature and pressure (60 oF and 14. How Is the Natural Gas Calculation Performed? The tool calculates natural gas pressure drop, flow rate, and pipeline diameter based on isothermal gas flow formulas. Calculation Of Shrinkage In Crude Started by onukwuonma, Sep 13 2011 07:39 AM shrinkage factor in crude oil. 6707 %) which exceeds the • Transco as Shrinkage Provider may act as a Network Code user for shrinkage gas purposes • Daily inputs to the Shrinkage Provider account must be at the NBP (recent modification) • Daily outputs are the NTS and LDZ shrinkage quantities • Shrinkage Provider pays imbalance charges • Shrinkage Provider does not pay transportation charges Natural Gas Pipe Flow Rate Requirement Formulas and Calculator; Flow of Air in Pipes Equation and Calculator ; Flow of Compressed Air in Pipes Equation and Calculator; Reference: International Standard ISO 5197-1 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full. Natural Gas Carbon Tax. Summary of SGE Methodology Methodology Scope Measurement, reporting, and verification of the product carbon footprint of LNG cargos Applicability LNG value chain Use of Primary Data Yes, preferred Use of Secondary Data Yes, if primary data not available Gases Included CO 2 It covers three examples of calculating oil rates using different methods: 1) direct shrinkage measurement and meter factor, 2) estimated shrinkage from tables, and 3) combined meter factor. Tailgate gas recycle. The liquid condensing in piping and vessels as part of the process of Introduction. Ngl Shrinkage Calculation - posted in Refining, Hydrocarbons, Oil, and Gas: hi all how to calculate the NGL shrinkage from certain Feed gas, what parameters i need and how to preform this calculation currently now we are assuming that the NGL shrinkage is 0. Gas Gravity . L. 1. g. 1 | Last revised: 6/6/2024. UK Transportation Costs for the cost of transporting gas from the UK to Ireland. To achieve the desired accuracy, methods were developed to adjust the Split-feed gas subcooled process. and any gas lost and unaccounted-for in the plant . Plastic shrinkage is the dimensional change that occurs when a molded part cools after injection molding. Incentive performance is evaluated against how successful NGGT There are numerous equations that can be used to make natural gas pipeline flow calculations depending upon various factors, such as the magnitude of the pressure drop, the pipe Shrinkage on the National Transmission System (NTS) refers to gas which is lost from the system, as well as the energy consumed in operating the network. Google Scholar. 13 of the Licence. In petroleum engineering, a gas production extra than 50,000 SCF/STB can be treated as wet gas. • Calorific Value Shrinkage is gas which cannot be billed due to application of the Gas Gas Shrinkage - posted in Refining, Hydrocarbons, Oil, and Gas: hi everyone, we are producing about 22 MMSCFD of natural gas and then process it in a gas sweetning and dehydration facilitiessince a part of this gas is used in a reboiler, generators as a fuel and some gas is also used to burn acid gases in a flarei want to know the amount of gas NGL’s from Natural Gas Importance of Gas Supply Estimates to NGL Forecasters In a low gas price environment, NGL value is a key component of cash flow for gas producers NGL volume available for extraction depends on: Amount of gas available to processing plants How much NGL is contained in the gas that is produced Unaccounted for gas (UAG) is gas that is lost, or otherwise not accounted for, on the National Transmission System (NTS). The properties of natural gas such as good fluidity, Gas pressure drop calculation Liquid pressure drop- oil pressure drop calculation Two phase flow - AGA equation. Fuel cost is calculated as a percentage of the commodity ISO 12213-2 (2006) Natural gas - Calculation of compression factor - Part 2: Calculation using molar-composition analysis; Starling, K. Published by API on February 1, 2018. 6 . Then, this raw data can be adjusted or converted to values suitable for calculation described in the API MPMS, Chapter 11, Section 2, Part 4 (a. Gas Flowrate, Q. The volume of "feed gas" is typically assumed to be the total wellhead gas produced. Pipeline Inlet Pressure, P1 Brief overview of Shrinkage What is Shrinkage? Shrinkage refers to gas which is lost from the transportation network. 2019). Data. If you have questions about how . A charge levied on natural gas by Irish Tax and scope: This standard presents procedures for calculating, at base conditions from composition, the following properties of natural gas mixtures: gross heating value, relative density (real and ideal), compressibility factor and theoretical hydrocarbon liquid content which in the U. The two gases are fundamentally different in that a high-gravity associated gas is typically rich in ethane through pentane, while gas condensates are rich in Taking into account the recent upward trend in natural gas prices, expressed in US Dollar per 1. It has become one of the most widely accepted correlations in the petroleum industry. The capacity of a low pressure natural gas (less than 1 psi, 6. Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section This article develops the correlations for estimating the header sweeping gas requirement needed to compensate for the shrinkage effect due to ambient cooling or rapid cooling of the gases after a hot gas release. S. Natural gas pressure drop calculator, download version preview natural gas density as: C DCM ¼ qðT;PÞ q bðT ;P Þ ¼ qðT;PÞ SG q air b; ð3Þ where q is natural gas density at operating temperature (T) and pressure (P). 4070 per therm. Author affiliations. 2. mol % Result. Input Key Parameters: Enter values like pressure, diameter, density, and temperature in your preferred units. This chart is generally reliable for sweet natural gases and correctable for those containing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide (2). The range of heating value can span ±10 to 15 percent. This transition enhances functionality with cross-search capabilities, allowing seamless access to both PetroWiki’s archived content and broader SPE research. Two primary calculation methods are used: Because of the complexity of natural gas plant processing arrangements, a rigorous approach must be taken to plant economics. On average natural gas heat costs $9. k. Analysis of natural gas composition—gas chromatography. Gas Properties - Support is provided for (C* ); and the isentropic exponent ( κ ethane rich natural gases. Each pipeline has a defined rate regulated by FERC that determines the specific shrinkage percentage between delivery points along their pipeline. , 1 The gas composition of CEESI Colorado High Ethane has an ethane concentration (10. At a $2. Cost to operate = usage (hours or load) x (BTUs/100,000) x price per therm OR Cost to Operate = usage (hours or load) x therms x price per Natural gas liquids are a mixture of light hydrocarbons, with small amounts of inerts, in liquid form. Gas Recovery Factor (%) Natural gas plays a crucial role in determining the right size pipes for your project. Thanks for the upload Yasserkassem. This requires the SLM to be designed to facilitate the accurate calculation and reporting of gas shrinkage and gas leakage from each GDN operated by a Licensee. Determine the Indicated Volume ( ) by subtracting the Shrinkage gas volume forecasts will also be calculated, in GWh, for each quarter of the formula year (April to June, etc). 7 psi)?Note that the density of air at 60oF and 14. WellTest 2024. It also provides an example gas rate calculation, explaining the various factors used in the gas flow rate equation such as orifice size, pressure, and calculation of natural gas pressure drop or flow rate calculator available from 2006. Download Natural Gas Yield Calculator 4 Votes It also calculates your shrinkage volume as well as your HHV losses per day, given $/BTU. mol % Hydrogen Sulfide. E. In this contribution, two approaches are followed to predict the saturated liquid density of liquefied natural gas (LNG) mixtures. Introduction Gas can intentionally or unintentionally be vented (leaked) from a tank or pipe to the surrounding air. 7 psi is 0. 1 Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company/Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Quality Control & Energy Measurement, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610213, China . psia. 15 K, 59 o F, 518. 21/MMbtu natural gas price, that gas is worth $25,828. Back to top #4 ashetty ashetty. Includes: Own Use Gas and ISO 6976 (1995) Natural gas - Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe index from composition Condition 1F. A Natural Gas Marketers would buy an offsetting contract to buy natural gas vs. Reciprocating Compressor Calculation estimates Temperature Rise and Power Consumed in compressing a gas mixture from an Inlet Pressure to Desired Outlet pressure. 05505585 GJ (see Table 1 and Fig. (1992) Compressibility Factors for Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases, American Gas Association (AGA) Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. Current and historical shrinkage rates are shown below. 288. The economic calculations depend upon the When designing any injection molded part, you need to consider the shrinkage and shrinkage of the material and the shape of the part. ISO 5167-2: 2003. Example #2: What is the molecular weight of the natural gas described in With the change of natural gas measurement method from volume measurement to energy measurement, the calculation and management of Unaccounted for Gas based on energy measurement will be paid more The BP statistical review of the world energy, as well as the energy outlook for 2018, forecasted an increase in global consumption and demand for oil and natural gas, respectively (BP, 2018a, 2018b). An approach different from the API approach to calculate the shrinkage factor in oil is proposed. , 2015). We value all feedback and representations; responses to this document are encouraged and should be received no later than 9 Natural petroleum gases contain varying amounts of different (primarily alkane) hydrocarbon compounds and one or more inorganic compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen (N2), and water. See more Use the following formulae and examples to calculate shrinkage on Pacific Gas and Electric Company's gas pipeline system. This difference is ). International standards exist for the methods and techniques used for LNG custody transfer, such as ISO 8943 “Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids – Sampling of liquefied natural gas – Continuous and intermittent methods” Shrinkage gas is supplied in-kind by the shipper. If the gas cap shrinks too much, the oil production will decline. Natural gas shrinkage see shrinkage, natural gas. Back to top #5 Yasserkassem Yasserkassem. NGL yield is defined as volume of NGL per volume of "feed gas". This calculation ensures that natural natural gas sample are related to each other by the equation: MW gas = (G gas)(MW air) (2) where: MW gas is the molecular weight of the natural gas . The units are therefore a ratio of standard cubic feet of gas (scf) per barrel of oil (bbl). Assume reservoir gas enters the wellbore. Solve For. It assumes a constant gas temperature due to heat exchange with the surrounding soil or air. Stock-tank liquid gravities of wet gas have the same liquids gravities range of retrograde gases (between 40 and 60 API). Natural gas available from the plant fuel gas system is often used for purging, both at the stack as well as in the sub- headers Because of the difficulty for obtaining figures for NGL production, the volumes of the world's total NGL production shown in Figure 1 had to be estimated, assuming an average liquids-to-gas ratio of 22. The shrinkage factor could be determined from a flash calculation. actually delivering the gas. Fort Worth. Temperature °F. So if we multiply the barrels produced of 4,200 * 2. 0764 lbm/ft3. Gas Data. NGLs are typically produced by natural gas processing activities such as those found in cryogenic gas plants, lean oil absorption plants and Joule-Thompson (J-T) plants. cxfqksrzeluapiuqlcwgrscmyriqbgfdmjopudpvktqyxyydhdsrlprvtazptzakfepwnzduvd