Minoxidil made me bald. My crush is also bald and I don’t see anyone but him.
Minoxidil made me bald hey k9gatton , you seem to be a wise man about minoxidil . minoxidil is the worst product ever in the world. The hairs in the resting phase of the growth cycle are being converted to the growth cycle. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic Also this depends on the situation. Use our AI bald filter to make someone bald. The way I like to dress While there is anecdotal evidence that topical Minoxidil may also cause temporary hair thinning, only one clinical trial [11] conducted on women who used this Hey guys I've been on minoxidil for a little over a month now. This video covers the question i get a lot. 3% Finasteride & 6% Minoxidil Solution might be making me go bald??? Hi, I am freaking out so anybody that can give me any advice is much appreciated. In fact, I’ve had women straight up make fun of my baldness to my face. Make sure you are actually balding first before you start using that stuff. So minoxidil can help with regrowth and finasteride with arresting the advancement of specifically male pattern baldness; I believe finasteride has no role in countering hard-water caused baldness. Remember you need to take minoxidil at least once s day and not discontinue it. I will probably use minoxidil on my hairline soon as I have been on fin for a year with good results. I am really worried about it. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. I love the look and feel of being bald and it made me By then I'll either be completely bald or very close to it. And in fact a maturing hairline actually looks good. Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Dressing how I like while being bald just makes me look gay. I also chose to skip all the drugs and ointments, as I felt that the possible side effects would be worse than being bald. ” --Dr. The only things that are proven to work to treat male pattern baldness are finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral shampoo. Do topical minoxidil but also try finasteride, it will reverse any miniaturization. But some say this medication can accentuate your hair loss, at least for a while. he warned me that at first i would see hair loss before new stuff started to grow back and i’m really worried. Joyce says "You see results all over the scalp. I tried topical minoxidil for 6 months way before I started finasteride and I got no regrowth. Im in your shoes, i didnt see any signs of balding but my dad is bald, and started my age. If all goes well in one year you will basically reverse your baldness. Legit in the exact same boat, minus the fin. I'd say never start on this, cause if you stop (and it's likely you will), your hair will become dependent on this drug and fall out rapidly. No sides. Ive been using it for 4 mont and 13 days now ( after being on propecia for 19 month with no result). Please read the rules and the pinned FAQ post before posting / asking questions. I knew to expect some extra shedding in the beginning but never to the extent it is I believe environmental baldness should be reversible anyway. reReddit: Top posts of November 18, 2018. I just started fin a month ago for prevention. In some cases, healthcare providers prescribe oral minoxidil off-label for hair loss. Shaved is a much better look than patchy baldness/weak combover. but these incredible before and after minoxidil treatment photos certainly have me intrigued! Totally okay. Topical minoxidil is one of two treatments with FDA approval specifically for treating male pattern baldness (the other is a Rogaine made me lose my hair faster than I otherwise would have. It worked! I stopped in the summertime and I wasn't expecting to use it again. Transform your appearance instantly and share your hilarious When you read about cases where someone continues to bald rapidly even if they are using Propecia alone or with Rogaine, this just means this person has very aggressive male pattern baldness and their predetermined genetic pattern will win the battle and they will blame the medication for doing it simply because they think these medications are For all things Minoxidil. , Health & Wellness News, Health and Me. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic 868 Mi piace,38 Commenti. Male pattern baldness is also the main cause of teenage hair loss among boys. 80% of AM do not go bald. I want to try and regrow some of the completely bald temples. I also have the symptoms of itching (drives me crazy although I do not scratch), some flaking, oily hair (even after washing), and tender scalp. Advertisement Coins. Rogaine can work for beards because it increases blood flow to hair follicles when applied as directed. Theres also minoxidil and scalp massages that help with hair growth and they're less expensive. I had thinning hair, with two bald spots. Example Mmi have male patter baldness. i’ve just been diagnosed with androgen alopecia and my dermatologist prescribed male minoxidil/rogaine (i’m a teen girl). Surprise your friends by applying the shaved head filter to your photos. she grew a whole new hairline she was not born with using minoxidil 😭 she stopped using it 2-3 years ago and her hairline is still there she never lost the hair. I used to have girls walk up to me in the clubs and want to talk to me. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your treatment progress or shaved head or hairstyle looks. I've never found Minoxidil to make my hair greasy, and I've had incredibly positive results using it Rogaine made me lose my hair faster than I otherwise would have. Oral minoxidil has stricter requirements when it comes to who can use it Hi Exotic_Pin4001! I found some matching key words, Which suggests that you might be asking about skin irritation caused by Minoxidil products. He is still so handsome to me. If you have any question or just want someone to appreciate your gains, This is the place to be. But assuming you’re not genetically programmed to go completely bald and you’re not losing If you’ve noticed the symptoms of male pattern baldness, try ROGAINE ® minoxidil products to boost your follicles and regrow thicker, fuller hair. Oral minoxidil definitely made a huge non-negligible difference for me and I personally am willing to sacrifice having a higher heart rate and lower blood pressure for more hair if it works long term. Minoxidil is only needed in the area where you lost hair. Yeah derma-rolling can help stimulate your hair follicles so the minoxidil is effective. This is a very common side effect of liquid solutions that is caused by the inactive ingredients like alcohol and propelyne glycol (PG). The problem is that minoxidil isnt very good at filling out spots where no hair is growing, because that is mostly genetic. Minoxidil with anti-androgens wouldn't work just as well for beard growth. In 2020, a systematic review identified 17 studies involving 634 patients using oral minoxidil for various hair loss conditions. Minoxidil is a life long commitment and it didnt resolve the problem of genetic hairloss, so i think fin is better cause it block the hormone which is the culprit of the male pattern hairloss. Video di TikTok da Ricky_Colu (@ricky_colu): "#bald #alopecia #hairstyle #beauty #hair #calvizie #minoxidil #finasteride #hairloss #primaedopo #beforeandafter #hairtransplant #hairroutine #haircare #microneedling #dermaroller #dermastampinghair #dermastamp". Been using minoxidil for almost two years, made a few posts you can have a look at if you're interested. However, there are various treatment options available to help regenerate hair on a bald spot. It works well for vertex baldness in men and general thinning on the crown in women. Explore the range of ROGAINE ® products for men , and give your receding or Wow, I can't believe how many responses this got! Let me address a few points before I say my piece: The picture of my scalp is purposely about as dramatically bad as I can make it Minoxidil gains on facial hair are permanent if used long enough. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, Hi EddieGlass! This is a reminder to please be sure to read the subreddit's rules before posting any comments, And please do not give Minoxidil related advice if you don't have experience with Minoxidil or haven't researched it thoroughly to avoid violation of rule #4 (false information / harmful advice) intentionally or unintentionally. It is the over-the-counter option with the most Minoxidil was originally developed as a pill to treat high blood pressure in the 1970s. There are a bunch of anecdotal stories of people quitting minoxidil contradict this study as well. Search for Minoxidil and oral Minoxidil content, because your question has probably been asked before. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. With a higher conversion rate to minoxidil sulfate too Topical minoxidil absorbs over the course of ~12 hours. I don't know why you are considering losing all your hair when others have gotten extremely Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. the baldness Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Studies have found Even if 5mg of minoxidil goes systemic after microneedling. That's still not the same as 5mg oral. Comparing Minoxidil with Other Minoxidil didn't really work for me so I went for the bald head route - got one of the skull shavers and a good balm for afterward and a nice variety of hats. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic I wasn’t even insecure about being bald until I realized just how much women hate bald men. I really didn't notice that it's been working so well. I’m pretty sure this shit went systemic as I am seeing new hair pop up all over my body and face (not my scamp because my body hates me). I researched heavily and tried everything that sounded plausible; emu oil, a laser comb, Folligen (copper peptides), spironolactone, Nizoral, finasteride, and minoxidil. I finally started topical minoxidil in July. My hairs a LOT like yours now. It's just a lot easier to own up to a bald look that I know 'is' me instead of trying to keep up/hide something else. I may have another reason Yes, I think this is what the minoxidil manufacturers are hiding in order to keep buying the product because oral minoxidil, which is mainly used to treat pressure, does not cause this side effect. I haven’t noticed any side effects that bother me or would make me stop taking it. So I’ve been using daily topical minoxidil 7% infused with tretinoin and finasteride as well, for about 5 months now. 3% Finasteride & 6% Minoxidil Solution hair loss treatment. i have long In spite of the big, cross-gender market for hair loss treatments, most patients don’t like using topical minoxidil solutions or foams such as Rogaine, and eventually abandon them, undoing any progress they’ve made Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic For all things Minoxidil. Just putting off the Yes, it does not actually make you bald, but it reduces hair density by a large percentage. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, ⭐️ Get 20% off of your own BIOEQUA Enercharger by using PROMOTIONAL CODE "DJN1H20OFF " at checkout https://amzn. " --Dr. Minoxidil will help out but will not stop the mpb completely. I think it was visible to anyone i had less hair. Made my hair greasy and gross along with thin. Before my diagnosis, I was using minoxidil and it helped my bald patches grow back. This is to prevent harm to other Will minoxidil cause me to go bald? Or can it mess up my current scalp growth? I'm using foam Rogaine twice a day, and I feel like I'm getting some hair growth on the sides of my face where it's patchy. It’s super cheap too. . And also the 5% solution has shown superior results compared to the 2% formulation. Studies showed that men on the Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. We‘ll cover more on that shortly. But i wont notice as much given minoxidil is helping out. I mean if we are going to go bald after so many years, why not just try something renowned for saving people from hairloss. Ah okay! That makes sense. My hair is actually pretty thick, just a norwood 2-like recession. Since I only noticed what I was still lacking and not what I Hair loss increased after minoxidil use? Hair Loss I think it’s too early for me to see results yet tho, it’s only been 3 months Wondering if you have a similar issue with weird bald patches Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . This is to prevent harm to other members as Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Now I am look like really bald. I noticed my hair loss this winter and spring but I was in denial at first. The authors found oral minoxidil was effective and generally well I am 37 and have PCOS and hypothyroidism. Pick the best option for your situation and own your look, friend! Finasteride gave me side effects after six months and so I didn't stick with it, and minoxidil didn't seem like it was doing much (in retrospect it was) compared to the hassle of applying it every day, so I stopped in 2020. will minoxidil or increasing DHT cause baldness. Sadly minoxidil is only a temporary solution. Alright so, I'm making this post kind of to represent the people who do start Minoxidil with almost no prior growth whatsoever, I always see posts that show it for an older gentleman who most likely is in the age where minoxidil will effect them a lot more, OR with a younger man who already has quite a bit of growth and is looking to enhance and skip the tedious wait that comes with Before we cover what you can expect from minoxidil shampoo, first, a little minoxidil 101. Health Conditions A-Z; Health & Wellness; Nutrition; Fitness; Health News; Ayurveda; I know it fucking sucks to bald, whether ppl say you have a great shape and shit, but you have to accept it. Thanks again :) 230 votes, 33 comments. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic To summarize, if you have male pattern baldness, minoxidil alone will make you happy for only the first 1 to 1. Eventually it will lose its effectiveness and you’ll probably lose hair as a result. S. As in, when I first started using Minoxidil, the baby hairs that came as a result made my hairline look a little better, but they never became anything more than that. So this may be helpful: -My skin gets dry, Irritated, Itchy, Painful or flaky. Asking cause of this: My hairline has only thinned badly on the side I'm using minoxidil in the period i used it which i stopped over 7 months ago and still no growth & Also the back of my head has thinned where the minoxidil liquid would run down from my crown, again no regrowth in that area and it isn't even a male pattern baldness area. Rogaine also lengthens the active growth cycle (Anagen phase) allowing for Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat high blood pressure. I'd still make the same decision. It can however improve patchy parts of your beard. to/4993w20 BioEqua has reached out and ask Some individuals see phenomenal responses, even growing lush locks in areas previously almost bald! Of course results vary widely, and depends on factors like age, genetics, lifestyle habits, and length of treatment. Minoxidil and Finasteride only delay the inevitable. I have only been using it for a few weeks and have experienced a noticeable Hi Glum_Description_61! This is a reminder to please be sure to read the subreddit's rules before posting any comments, And please do not give Minoxidil related advice if you don't have experience with Minoxidil or haven't researched it thoroughly to avoid violation of rule #4 (false information / harmful advice) intentionally or unintentionally. That hasn’t happened once since being bald. To each their own but I also had this fear that even with Rogaine or any other products, it could just slow down the balding but it would still be happening, and I would have to spend more time trying to 'hide' the balding Minoxidil may be sufficient to help you retain your locks. More posts you may like Top Posts Reddit . So really, I don't think anyone knows for certain and frankly there is no way of knowing. I went bald during undergrad lol. My dad has a bald vertex and scalp (although the sides are OK), Studies have shown Minoxidil to be very effective against androgenetic alopecia. It's the first thing that helped in at least a decade of suffering from hairloss. With the minoxidil I can probably . 0 coins. Bro, at 25, it’s normal for your hairline to mature. If it’s severe and starting to look not great, embrace the shaved head. I quit minoxidil 15 days ago. I want to keep going and I'm going It looks like this post is about Minoxidil. HELP PLEASE Hims Topical 0. Can minoxidil worsen hairline ? ive got some tiny vellu hair , but minoxidil make me shed thick hair behind my hairline . At first it was difficult to accept, but ultimately I feel that it has taught me a lot about self confidence and self love. My crush is also bald and I don’t see anyone but him. This shit made me bald much faster than i was supposed to go in 1 year it destroyed my hairline watch out it raises dht levels Reply reply More replies. One study found that 14% of young men aged 15-17 experience early-onset male pattern baldness. 5mg oral is a pill that goes into the liver and 30-60 minutes later it's essentially all in the bloodstream. I have both the 5% women’s “About 40% of men respond to topical minoxidil, but better than 90% respond to the oral. Farah states that oral Minoxidil is “awesome” and “we have tons of patients on it. You do have to be aware of any potential side effects. Thus even if monoxidil was working ill probably will keep using follicukes permanantly. After that, because you aren't using a DHT blocker, all the hair you gained will start to fall out again, and you'll end up Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Day 284 applying minoxidil and finasteride | ⬇️ | Follow me or you’ll go bald Oral minoxidil is approved by the U. a friend of mine had to do a laser treatment Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. 85% success rate like double the understood amount of responders to minoxidil. The thing to keep in mind is you are not the first, nor the last to have this question - at least there are choices now. If it’s still early start hitting up some finesteride and minoxidil. Don't try to look for solutions like minoxidil and hair transplant. It made the shedding worse and created bald spots. In the case of male pattern baldness, DHT is an androgen that blocks nutrients to the scalp follicles of those with the condition. Video regarding scalp shedding on minoxidil: https://youtu. I knew to expect some extra shedding in the beginning but never to the extent it is Many studies define early-onset male pattern baldness as androgenetic alopecia that develops in men before the age of 30 [2]. Shaving my head was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. We can help you all throughout your Minoxidil journey. This means that you’re likely a hyper responder, and the minoxidil is quickly taking effect, on a large portion of your hair. Every single on of us have them. But baldness runs in the family so I was just surprised that it happened when it did. Reddit . Preface about me: When I first realized I was going bald, I panicked. My social life also is affected. If this is a question asking if you are now or A bald spot is an area of the scalp or body that has little or no hair and where hair no longer grows. Before asking any questions, Learn about Minoxidil. Researchers noticed that some patients taking it experienced increased hair growth as a side Rogaine was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1988, the first drug to win the agency’s endorsement for male pattern baldness. My hair loss reduced but still there is some shedding. 5 years. Also dermarolling weekly at 1. 96K subscribers in the bald community. To your point about trans men having 2 X chromosomes- that does not make us twice as likely to go bald. Moreover, it is better to avoid exposure to direct sunlight while minoxidil is applied as it can make a person’s skin sensitive to sunlight. included a pic of my left Honestly that gives me a ton of hope for the future. I am using the HIMS Topical 0. Instead, Mike chose to keep his hair short to make For me minoxidil caused shedding in the first month, when i ran fingers through my hair i could see a lot of hair falling to the ground. I’m not saying that as an insult, it’s just objectively true. I start minoxidil and use it for 2 years. I know nothing about chemistry, but as kirkland signature minoxidil normally only contains alcool, propylene glycol, water and minoxidil, maybe (tell me if it is a dumb idea) one could do a half-check like this (I haven't tried):-let Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. It’s best used for people with androgenetic alopecia and doesn’t work effectively with receding hairlines or baldness. 5mm and using ketanconozole shampoo 3-4x weekly. Yes of course but our body is covered by little tiny invisible hairs everywhere, so if you use minoxidil they might get a bit stronger and more visible. and my temple and hairline are worse than baseline . Valheim Genshin Hate minoxidil. I will accept myself as a man deserving love, no matter how I look. He was also insecure about it and it crushed my heart to hear how being bald made him feel at first :(. You I’ve been on minoxidil for six weeks of which 3 weeks have been dread shedding. Is Minoxidil hair Curious about the buzzy treatment minoxidil for hair loss? We asked dermatologists to share the uses of minoxidil — both topical and oral — plus the side effects Thinking about giving minoxidil a try to treat hair loss? Or curious if the drug really works to reverse thinning hair? Regardless of your question related to minoxidil, it can be helpful to see just how effective the hair growth While minoxidil is unlikely to restore a full head of thick, lush, hair, it can slow down hair loss and can stimulate regrowth. I basically grew my entire beard on minoxidil when I Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. I had hair when I was 21, and dated beautiful women. Then it all grew back and put me slightly above baseline. It’s okay to have insecurities. If they can’t be fixed that is totally okaaay! You don’t have to fix them. I started using it 1 and half month ago and then my hair loss reached a shocking amount . Yes turkey isn't that expensive and the price of minoxidil is ok, but This will make it easier for r/Minoxidil members and visitors to find answers to their questions. reReddit I recently got diagnosed with SB. I believe the finasteride is helping the over all density. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Many people see great results and regrowth with just finasteride alone (like myself). I've noticed that this product is somehow making my skin feel dull and lifeless around the hairline, i'll be damned but I think it's taking the collagen out of the skin near the hairline, My ears are kinda red and feel swollen a little bit, I'm seriously thinking that minoxidil doesn't go very well with me. The last couple of days my shedding slowed down, but when I showered today, the shedding was pack at full Minoxidil made me bald, amazing regrowth after 7 months without! Balding has been an issue in my family. be/EGN From september 2016 to july 2017 I applied minoxidil on my face in order to grow a beard. Although the monthly cost of Rogaine has fallen drastically (you can now get generic minoxidil for $15 a month), people may still want to skip it for financial or other reasons. I have a friend who used minoxidil for 2 months to make her forehead smaller cause she hated her natural hairline & her hairline grew like crazy. Extreme shedding from minoxidil is the absolute best sign you could get. And if it doesnt work, at least we tried Like the study that showed rogaine foam to have like an 85% regrowth success rate. sfdrtxchxqaqbmssyjzdjotgswumtdczjjhmgkxhetrzaakvrleukjtvskemrghvytlvqvjqhzor