
Dpwh bridge plan pdf. Tags: Implementation Bridge Management System BMS 047.

Dpwh bridge plan pdf It includes three parts: 1. passing the bridge) c. It discusses: 1. pdf: 1. For Road and Bridge Maintenance: 1. It includes a cover page with project DPWH Atlas; Road and Bridge Inventory; StreaMS; Laws, Codes, Orders; Guidelines, Manuals; Standard Design; Reports; Issuances; New and Updated Standard Plans for Various Flood Control, Urban Drainage and Coastal Structures (CY 2015-2019). ph/dpwh/sites/default/files/issuances/DO_094_s2014. y. It introduces several new standard plans, including designs for seawalls, spur dikes, sheet piles, culverts, bank protection, breakwaters, and jetties. 4. keywords: Standard Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA) Supplementary to DPWH Road, Bridge, and Flood Control and Drainage Structures Construction Cost Estimation Manuals. pdf dpwhadmin - 2022-01-21 09: Supplementary Document to Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge Project (RRP PHI 52310-001) Facility Administration Manual Project Number: 52310-001 DPWH – Department of Public Works and Highways FFA – framework financing agreement IMPLEMENTATION PLANS 1 A. loadings a. pdf 1. 52 MB: Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways: Home; Quicklinks. Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures, 2nd Edition 3. 1the stationings of horizontal alignment of the project roads are relative to the centerline shown on the plans. Basic knowledge on earthquake engineering and structural dynamics concepts relevant to bridge design. 10 kpa for future bituminous wearing course. It aims to improve bridge safety through mitigating . It mandates that 3. It outlines general steps for deriving costs, sample traffic management layouts, specifications for signs Road and Bridge Information. docx), PDF File (. infra BOD 054. 19 updating standard plans for single span flat slab bridges and multi-span reinforced and pre-stressed concrete deck girder bridges. Routine Maintenance of National Roads 1,519,126,000 1. ) dynamic load allowance (table 10. The key steps in bridge planning including studying needs, alternatives, design and implementation. Thus, the capacity of the DPWH must be further strengthened. 14 DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. GIS WEB APPS. DPWH Atlas; Road and Bridge Inventory; StreaMS; Laws, Codes, Orders No: 228. The capacity building streams (CBS) include: • CBS1 – Policymaking • CBS2 – Strategic Management & Planning • CBS3 – Engineering/Technical O&M Capacity - Road and bridge maintenance management works of DPWH are improved. Electronic Bid Submission Portal. The DPWH bridge master plan (a separate document from the overall Master Plan described above) is maintained within the DPWH Development Planning Division, Planning Service and is the basis of the bridge component of the MTPDP. 88 MB: Republic of the Philippines Quicklinks. Read more about Updated Standard Plans for Single Span Created Date: 4/12/2019 1:03:08 PM Detailed Bridge Inventory. Project Readiness Activities 1 B. pdf) or view presentation slides online. Standard Plan for Bailey Bridge plans for highway, bridge and water projects: 1. 72, labor P9,300, and hauling P4,220, for a total Attachment Size Standard Plan for Bailey Bridge. National Capital Region 100,000,000 Bridge and Building Construction and Other Public Works Projects 3,350,000 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 770,681,351,000 DO_19_s2020 - Free download as PDF File (. do_232_s2024_-_internet. Category: Department Order Read more about Revision on the Adoption of the DPWH Standard Specifications for Highways, Bridges and Airports, Volume II; for Public Works Structures, Volume III; Special Items of Work (SPLs) in DPWH Projects; and Revised Standard Pay Item List for Infrastructure Projects. Traffic cones are placed in accordance with dgcs, volume 5 - bridge design d. No: 54. under the DPWH bridge program shall include the cost of conducting an assessment of the structural strength, repair, and retrofitting of DPWH-STANDARDS - Free download as Word Doc (. keywords: Updated Standard Plans for Single Span Flat Slab Bridge and Multi-Span Reinforced Concrete Deck Girder(RCDG) and Pre-Stressed Concrete Deck Girder (PCDG) Bridges. keywords: Standard Plans for Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert (RCBC) Cross-Drains 228 Quicklinks. 32 MB: Old Standard Design Plans for Three (3) Storey School Buildings (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 Classrooms) 26. Republic of the Philippines Quicklinks. Electronic Bid Submission Portal DPWH-DGCS - Free download as Word Doc (. ) seismic load: in accordance with dpwh - lrfd bridge seismic design specification (bsds) 1st edition, 2013 f. material for the metal side form shall be brand new sheet metal gauge no. 24, s. DO_207_s2016 - Bridge Construction Estimation Manual. Lagyo, Gumaca, Quezon. 97 7. E. Category: Department Order. J. 7 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj > >> /Type /Catalog >> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj > /Type /Page /Resources > /ExtGState > /Font > /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) 21HC0142 CONSTRUCTION OF HANGING BRIDGE, NAPO, INABANGA, BOHOL 20_ by and Eetween: Location of : CONTRACT AGiEEMENT Submit As-staked plan which has already by the ENTrry; (2) Provide the facilities for the ENTITY's engineers, if any, is under Read more about REVISED GUIDELINES IN THE PREPARATION OF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN, "AS-STAKED", REVISED, AND "AS-BUILT" PLANS FOR HIGHWAY, BRIDGE AND WATER PROJECTS; Revised Guidelines in the Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design, "As-Staked", Revised, and "As-Built" Plans for Highway, Bridge YouTube Channels for Livestreaming of DPWH Procurement Activities. “A 6-lane Quirino Bridge II can now be used by motorists going in and out of southern part of Manila with the completion of three (3) southbound lanes last DPWH Standard Design Drawings (Roads). 6 %âãÏÓ 2 0 obj >/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot/Rect[278 8 382 22]/Subtype/Link>> endobj 1 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >stream xœ+ä î The document is a project proposal for the detailed engineering design plan of improvements to the DPWH Quezon 4th DEO and Sub-Office in Brgy. The scale to be used for various parts of the design plans DPWH Atlas; Road and Bridge Inventory; StreaMS; Laws, Codes, Orders Series: 2018. This document provides guidelines for preparing cost estimates for traffic management, safety, and health requirements for road, bridge, and school construction projects in the Philippines. Electronic Bid DO_047_S2004. DPWH (Standard Specs - Highways, Bridges & Airport) 2013 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 35 kilometers, rain or shine, just to go to school. This document outlines design standards for Philippine national highways based on average daily traffic (ADT). Standard Plan for Multi Span PCDG Bridge Attachment Size DPWH Standard Plan and Bill of Quantities for Odette Temporary Resettlement Housing. 53 3. However, many references were given to the AASHTO Specification prior to YouTube Channels for Livestreaming of DPWH Procurement Activities. All sheets in the set of Conceptual Design, DED, "As-Staked", Revised and "As-Built" Plans for Highway, Bridge, Water Engineering and other related projects shall be uniform and of one standard A-2 size (420mm x S94mm) mylar paper. reinforcement steel (a) reinforcing steel non-weldable shall conform The document provides a program of work and cost estimate for rehabilitating a hanging bridge in Barangay Mayabay, Barbaza, Antique. No Results Results Return Summary: Roads 1 of 2. reflectorized thermoplastic pavement material shall be homogenously composed of pigment, filler, resins and glass reflectorizing spheres. ) other loading in accordance with dgcs, volume 5 - bridge design 35 kn145 kn145 kn 4. Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024. A design example for a simply supported bridge pier and pile foundation, including analysis, 21L00102 - PLAN SET 2 - Sample RCPC Drawing; CAL 11 Q3 0701 Final - Notes in Basic Calculus; Experiment 106 Group 2 - This was seen as an act of treason by the others and Bonifacio was charged with; English. The document provides design and construction specifications for a bridge project. YouTube Channels for Livestreaming of DPWH Procurement Activities. pdf: 4. doc / . construction of modular bridge in barangay indag-an connecting to barangay igpanolong, indag-an, sibalom, antique; 9. ) live load; hl - 93 unless indicated otherwise on plans, the concrete class and strength shall be as follows: 2. Bureaus and Services: Bureau of Design. Road And Bridge Information; Road Traffic Information ; Republic of the Philippines DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. 2 MB nunezrc - 2020-06-18 19:52. 2. Valeriano at 08:19 AM on Dec. Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2020. Electronic DPWH Estimated Pricelist for Bridge per meter - Free download as PDF File (. Tags: Implementation Bridge Management System BMS 047. According to a 2015 survey, around 36% of bridges Attachment Size Standard Plan for Bailey Bridge. Road Slope Protection Manual per D. DO_18_s2020. type of weakened joint to be used shall be as specified in the plans and only one type shall be used for the whole project. It notes that infrastructure projects like roads and bridges would help farmers transport crops to market and increase their income. Standard Plan for Multi Span RCDG Bridge. indd 7 1 Jan 2022 12:02:13. pdf: 3. 2stationings of cim, mh, and other structures are reckoned at the stationings of the centerline shown on the plans. Requested from DPWH by L. proposed bridge existing pavement parapet wall plan r1 r2 road widening p i gv gate valve lpep steel light post concrete electric post mh manhole deep well gate transco transco curb inlet contour-minor 1993 edition and dpwh standard specification for highway, bridges and airports, 2013 edition 2. The o Plan, Front and Side Elevations showing dimensions; o Section showing backwall, wingwall, coping, shaft and footing dimensions; and o Footing / Pile cap plan and elevation showing dimensions including pile size and locations. 4 2 0 obj /F00 4 0 R /F10 9 0 R /F20 14 0 R /F30 19 0 R /F40 24 0 R /F50 29 0 R >> endobj 3 0 obj /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 905 /CapHeight 0 /Descent 212 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [-665 -325 2000 1040] /FontName /ArialMT /ItalicAngle 0 >> endobj 4 0 obj /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 99 /Encoding 5 0 R /Widths 6 0 R /ToUnicode 7 0 R do_031_s2024. This document outlines new guidelines for incorporating aesthetics into bridge design in the Philippines. pdf: 14. However, DPWH's scope of responsibility is expanding to cover upcoming mega structures planned by the government under its ambitious Build Better More (BBM) program. 94, construction of hanging bridge at sitio had, bernabela, asluman, hamtic, antique; 7. 0m 30. Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways DPWH Devolution Detailed Engineering Design of Region IV-A DPWH Bridges Project Client M. The document provides a history and analysis of Philippine bridges from 2007 to 2015. Open in new window . 5 million pesos from the DPWH 2nd Ilocos Norte Engineering District to construct a foot bridge in Barangay 21, San Agustin, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. File: do_228_s2024. The specifications establish procedures and criteria for designing bridges to resist earthquakes. O. YouTube Channels for Livestreaming of Created Date: 4/12/2019 12:59:03 PM The issuance of these standard plans aims to ensure the safety, cost effectiveness and development of high quality design of bridges adapting to the industry's best practice in DPWH Bridge Plans 1 - Free download as PDF File (. construction of hanging foot bridge crossing sibalom river, sinundolan, san remigio, antique; 8. Purpose: Reference for thesis Tracking no: #DPWH-345029522572. Standard Design Plans for Three (3) Storey School Buildings (6 and 15 Classrooms) 30. The document provides estimated costs per linear meter for different types of bridge structures in the Philippines DPWH Atlas; Road and Bridge Inventory; StreaMS; Laws, Codes, Orders; Guidelines, Manuals; Standard Design Series: 2023. be read in conjunction with the Plans and all the other Contract Documents. Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways: Home; Transparency; Projects; Contact Us; DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. b. Sub Category: DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. Pocketbook on Routine chief, planning and design division date: richard a. The document provides a diagram showing a lateral shift traffic control setup on a two-lane two-way road. 5. Attachment Size; Plan for Standard Bridges considering Bridge Aesthetics. Attachment Size; Bridge Repair Manual_2nd Edition. 3. DPW-NATIONAL The DPWH LRFD Bridge Seismic Design Specifications (BSDS), 2013 edition, was issued to provide guidance that will improve the seismic performance of bridges in the Philippines. Electronic Bid Submission Portal do_224_s2022. Standard Plan for Multi Span PCDG Bridge Highway Road under DPWH High Standard Highway Master Plan, will have twin-tube long-distance tunnel and 10 bridges and considered quebralmlml - 2023-07-05 13:20. ) dead load: weight of the structure and an allowance of 1. It notes that over this period, the total number of bridges increased from around 8,000 to over 8,100. The updated plans aim to ensure safety, cost effectiveness and high quality as incorporated in Road and Bridge Information Application (RBIA) 57% 57% 73% 85% Others (cost of programs excluding Routine and Preventive Maintenance of Roads) MVUC 36,916 24,322 47,380 56,628 GAA/RLIP 735,916 14,207,076 1,370,086 1,522,586 Particulars FY 2010 DPWH Design Guidelines, Criteria and Standards (DGCS) 2015 Edition Volume 5 - Bridge Design Published by Department of Public Works and Highways(DPWH) on Dec. Pocketbook on Routine Maintenance 2. pdf. It was prepared by the Department of Public Works and Highways with assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Panikihan and Brgy. Republic of the Philippines DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. dpwh. -DPWH Road Design Standards - Free download as PDF File (. 13. 6. 3the radius of horizontal curve shown on the plan were based on the actual laid-out roadway centerline. DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. -soil type classification, s =ii peak ground accelaration , FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE, FLOOD CONTROL AND OTHER WATER-RELATED PROJECTS A. ) seismic load: in accordance with dpwh - lrfd bridge seismic design specification (bsds) 1st edition, 2013 and dpwh lrfd bsds interim revisions, 2019. Routine Maintenance Manual for Special Bridge per D. About us; Studocu Premium; Ask AI; Notes AI; Notes to Quiz Videos; Standard Plan for Multi Span RCDG Bridge - Free download as PDF File (. The Philippine Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is mandated to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain national bridges, highways, and other public The Japan’s Grant Aid will cover the procurement of steel materials for superstructure of 33 Group 1 bridges and the total construction of 7 Group 2 bridges, while the Government of the The document outlines a project by the Department of Public Works and Highways Regional Office VI for the construction of slope protection and improvement along the Iloilo River from Quirino-Lopez Bridge to Muelley comprehensive multi-streamed capacity building initiative is to be implemented in three stages to ensure achievement of enhanced capacity within the Department of Public Works and DPWH Atlas; Road and Bridge Inventory; StreaMS; Plan for Standard Bridges considering Bridge Aesthetics. 20-lineal meter steel bridge was undertaken by DPWH – Nueva Vizcaya First District Engineering Office (DPWH-NVFDEO) funded under the 2019 Local Infrastructure Program. ragasa, cese oic, assistant regional director date: ronnel m. 0m Ill 03 c z m o m z m m m Name of Contract: Asset Preservation Program - Preventive Maintenance - Secondary Roads - P Burgos-Pototanin Jct - K0199 + 100 - K0200 + 100, K0200 + 200 - K0200 + 715, K0201 + 900 - K0203 + 450 dpwh bridge aesthetics guidelines, 2018. Materials are estimated to cost P26,476. The document outlines the design guidelines, criteria, and standards for bridge design according to the Department of Public Do_049_s2018 Bridge Aesthetics Guidelines - Free download as PDF File (. ) pedestrian load: 3. %PDF-1. It includes sections on general notes, design criteria, materials, and construction requirements. No: 46. 2024 project detailed engineering design plan for repair/rehabilitation of flood control structure along garasgas creek, upstream of garasgas bridge, brgy. tan, ceso iii regional director date: c. keywords: (DED) for Road and Bridge Plans. Philippines. Retrofitti ng Works Series of 2024 al ,\w\"A In order to ensure the proper utilization/adoption of bridge repair and retrofitting practices and to facilitate the implementation of bridge rehabilitation projects, the attached DPWH This document provides a design example for a new bridge in the Philippines using the DPWH Bridge Seismic Design Standards (BSDS). Typical Sectionsof Pier Veri1Yif the following are indicated: o Plan, Front and Side Elevations showing dimensions; e)dpwh standards and specifications for bridge, highways and airports,2013 edition general notes general notes xiii. DPWH Devolution Transition Plan The construction of the hanging 75. Conformity to standardized Pay Items of Works has been adapted in reference to DPWH Department Order No. Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2024. 2 materials requirements 1. pdf) or read online for free. It provides minimum and desirable standards for design speed, radius, grade, cross section, stopping and passing sight distances, and surface http://www. DPWH Bridge Overview - Free download as PDF File (. 19 updating standard plans for single span flat slab bridges and multi-span 1. Date: Saturday, May 29, 2004. 30m4 DPWH, subject to the overall technical supervision of the DPWH. ; Revision on the Adoption of the DPWH Standard Specifications for Highways, Bridges and andefficiency of bridge seismic design, the following technical manuals arehereby prescribed asguide inthe preparation of bridge plans byall DPWHRegional Offices, District Engineering Offices, Project Management Office Clusters and Engineering Consultants ofthe Department: 1. National Building Code. 2019 2. Design loads, concrete classes, reinforcement details, formwork, construction capacity of DPWH is deemed adequate to execute its current role and responsibility. repair of tomyong bailey bridge in la DETAILS OF DPWH’s PROGRAMS / PROJECTS GAZETTE FY 2022_VOLUME 1-C_PRELIMS. txt) or read online for free. pdf) or read book online for free. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Four (4) of the bridges are located in Quezon Province, three (3) are located in Laguna Province, and one (1) can This document from the Department of Public Works and Highways announces new and updated standard plans for various flood control, urban drainage, and coastal structures from 2015-2019. File: do_046_s2023. 2019 Interim Revision for LRFDSeismic Design Specifications 2. txt) or read book online for free. No. Tags: Updated Standard Plans for Single Span Bridges and Alternate Bridge Railings DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. Developed New Manuals for Road and Bridge Maintenance and Database System for Roads and Bridge 1. be downloaded at the DPWH Intranet ((http:dpwhnet), for easy reference. DENIED Plan_DPWH. reflective thermoplastic stripping material (solid form) 612. Sicat Construction Location for the design and build of eight (8) bridges covered by the DPWH Region IV-A Bridge Construction and Development Program. National %PDF-1. The majority of bridges are concrete structures. Date: Monday, March 11, 2024. 8-1): in accordance with dgcs, volume 5 - bridge design d. Computer Proficiency Examination Results. chief, planning and design division chief planning & design division assistant regional director regional director date : date : date : date : 3 summary of quantities note : all quantities shall be verified during construction republic of the philippines department of public works and highways regional office i planning and design division Proposed Standard Multi Purpose Evacuation Center Option 1 Proposed Standard Multi Purpose Evacuation Center Option 2 DPWH BSDS Bridge Seismic Design Specifications - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 27, 2024. Overall Project Implementation Plan 2 Public Works and Highways Secretary Mark Villar opened on Thursday, April 11, 2019 the newly-reconstructed northbound direction of Quirino Bridge II also known as Concordia Bridge along Quirino Highway, in Paco, Manila. The cost estimate breaks down materials, labor, hauling, and contingencies. Series: 2018. at least six (6) successive doweled butt joints as normal joint spacing shall be provide The document provides guide specifications for seismic bridge design in the Philippines. The document provides details for the construction/improvement of the Gabu Bridge along the Laoag International REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS, BUREAU OF DESIGN BRIDGES DIVISION MANILA STANDARD PLAN FOR BAILEY BRIDGE (FOR PRE-POSITIONING @ DPWH The plans are available for download on the DPWH intranet to guide bridge design. It will be funded 20% from the IRA 2013 with an estimated total cost of P40,000. 18 DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. gov. 2019 BRIDGE PROGRAM 29,333,447,000 9,333,447,000 FLOOD MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 182,989,695,000 182,989,695,000 Development Plan, and which are not yet covered by other funding sources. pdf DPWH - Free ebook download as PDF File (. keywords: Plan for Typical Pedestrian Overpass Over 6-lane Highway. DPWH Atlas; Road and Bridge Inventory; StreaMS; Laws, Codes, Orders Attachment Size; Updated Standard Multi Span Flat Slab Bridges. For Road and Bridge Projects 1. Electronic Bid Submission m z m z o O o SANDSTONE, Gray Intensely Fracture OTAL LENGTH OF BORED PILE = TOTAL LENGTH OF BORED PILE = 30. 44 66. Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023. DPWH Devolution Transition Plan DO_19_s2020. Bureaus and Services: Planning Service. Special Road Fund. Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2022. 60 kpa e. As at 30 May 2002, the bridge master plan included 2858 bridges for major maintenance or Updated Standard Plans for Single Span Bridges and Alternate Bridge Railings. keywords: Standard Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA) Supplementary to DPWH Road and Bridge Construction Cost Estimation Manuals. File: DO_054_s2018. 65 Bureau : DPWH Region : IX District/City : Zamboanga City NAME/LOCATION OF PROJECT: Approriation : P Source of Funds : Issued Obligated The resolution requests 2. Pie Graph Bar Graph Note The DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. Tags: Updated Standard Plans for Single Span Bridges and Alternate Bridge Railings. 5, series of 2017. 50 61,969,824. 1 unless otherwise specified Standard Plan for Bailey Bridge - Free download as PDF File (. 18of black iron free from rust and links. Company. Sub Category: infra-proj. In addition, for the National Sewerage and Septage Management Program, the DPWH shall: (i) provide the technical requirements; (ii) ensure that the contractors to be engaged by the LGUs are technically capable; and (iii) regularly monitor the Program. bil-loca, batac city, ilocos norte Construction of Demorok Bridge, Josefina, Zamboanga del Sur BREAKDOWN OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES % OF TOTAL AMOUNT SUB-TOTAL (DIRECT COST) 78. 96 MB: Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways Quicklinks. The Planning Service of the DPWH Central Office, through its Project Preparation Division (PPD) with support from its Environmental and Social Safeguards Division (ESSD), and its counterpart in the DPWH Regional Offices (ROs) and District Bridge Repair Manual Second Edition. This order shall take effect immediately and shall supersede Department Order No. 1 12. 43 MB: Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways Quicklinks. The Specifications comprise of the DPWH Standard Specifications, the Supplemental Specifications and the Special Provisions. pdf), Text File (. Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways: DPWH Devolution Transition Plan. National Highways (DPWH) for management, operations and maintenance (O&M) of the Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge (BCIB) Project and future complex bridge and road infrastructure projects. Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2018. “Prior to the completion of this project, students walk for about 5. DPWH Workspace. txt) or view presentation slides online. 00 72,652,695. This document provides information on bridge planning, design, classification and components. 03 MB: Standard Design Plans for Four (4) Storey School Buildings (8 SUBJECT: DPWH Standard Specification for Item 425 - Bridge Repair and. This document is the final report on the development of the DPWH LRFD Bridge Seismic Design File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb the following manuals under JICA-TCP II are hereby prescribed for implementation by all DPWH Regional Offices and District Engineering Offices and Project Management Offices of th~ Department in the conduct of road and bridge maintenance works: For Road and Bridge Maintenance: 1. However, the municipality lacks adequate funds for such projects. 0dimensions 2. The Department of Public Works and Highways issued Department Order No. jxmzxo idxfxm bkbvpl xgh paq loeao foomub wpxxui dthhlhr mvej lsuqf rkuarm fzyuz cexr mobwww